Assessment 1: Assessing the Problem: Leadership, Collaboration, Communication, Change Management, and Policy Considerations Assessment 1 Assessing the Problem Leadership, Collaboration, Communication, Change Management, and Policy Considerations


Nurses play a critical role in the promotion of health of their populations. Nurses utilize their knowledge and skills in nursing to assess, plan, implement, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions utilized to address the needs of their patients. The effectiveness of care given to the patients depends largely on the level of patient involvement in care and use of evidence-based interventions. Therefore, this paper explores the patient health problem that will be of focus for the project.

Part 1

Patient Health Problem

The selected patient for the project is Mr. M, a family member who has hypertension and pre-diabetic. The patient has been hypertensive for the last two years and has been on anti-hypertensive treatment. The patient is also pre-diabetic. He uses lifestyle and behavioral modifications to manage the condition. Hypertension and pre-diabetes have significant adverse effects on the health of the patient. Accordingly, patients and their significant others incur costs in seeking treatment, purchase of medication and frequent hospitalizations. Patients also lose their productivity due to increased demands from hospital visits and hospitalizations (Forouzanfar et al., 2017).

Health issues such as hypertension and pre-diabetes are relevant to the practice of baccalaureate prepared nurse. Bachelor-prepared nurse play a critical role in the promotion of the health and wellbeing of the patients suffering from hypertension and diabetes. The nurses provide health promotion interventions such as health education and screening patients for health risks including diabetes and hypertension. As noted above, hypertension and pre-diabetes act as a source of significant disease burden for the patient. According to (Farjo et al., 2020), diabetes is associated with adverse events such as myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization, and cardiovascular hospitalizations. Similarly, hypertension predisposes patients to adverse events such as stroke, renal failure, heart failure, and metabolic syndrome that increase the costs of care and mortality (Cooper et al., 2017). Therefore, the bachelor-level prepared nurse has the responsibility of ensuring that the health and wellbeing of the populations affected by hypertension is promoted.


Effective leadership is needed for the management of hypertension and pre-diabetes. Bachelor-level prepared nurse acts as a leader in

Assessment 1 Assessing the Problem Leadership, Collaboration, Communication, Change Management, and Policy Considerations

Assessment 1 Assessing the Problem Leadership, Collaboration, Communication, Change Management, and Policy Considerations

implementing the evidence-based interventions that can be used to manage hypertension and pre-diabetes. The effective leadership styles that should be adopted in working with the patient in the case study include active participation, shared-decision making, and promotion of trust. Bachelor-level prepared nurse also plays the role of ensuring that evidence-based interventions are utilized in the management of the health problems affecting the patient. Evidence-based interventions contribute to care outcomes such as patient satisfaction, empowerment, quality, safety and efficiency in care.


Active stakeholder collaboration is needed for the effective management of hypertension and pre-diabetes. Nurses must work with their patients in exploring the effective interventions that can be used to optimize the treatment outcomes. Collaboration takes into consideration the values, beliefs and practices of the patient towards the management of the health problem. The patient in the case study should also be involved in the decision-making process. Patient involvement in decision-making contributes to patient satisfaction with care, improved treatment adherence, and patient empowerment to explore additional self-management interventions for hypertension and pre-diabetes (Emich, 2018).

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Communication is an important element in the management of hypertension and pre-diabetes. Effective communication strategies such as open communication, active listening, and being objective should be embraced to improve the outcomes of treatmen

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