Assignment 8.1: Bongo Presentation: Application of Nursing Theory to Clinical Practice


Assignment 8.1: Bongo Presentation: Application of Nursing Theory to Clinical Practice

Did your tenets change from the beginning of this course? Did you find the need to add more values to our personal philosophy? I see you are a caring nurse and how you took the time to not only care for the active bleeding, but you also gave him a warm blanket. Many times as nurses, we may not understand the little things we do go a long way with our clients.

Make sure you take the time to rest in between your shifts, as you know Emergency Room nursing and Trauma Care be very stressful to you and your well being. I appreciate you to took the time to make sure he arrived to his floor and you didn’t just send him up the elevator with a transporter. Continue to bridge the gap between theory and practice, great presentation.


Discussion Questions (DQ)

Initial responses to the DQ should address all components of the questions asked, include a minimum of one scholarly source, and be at least 250 words.

Successful responses are substantive (i.e., add something new to the discussion, engage others in the discussion, well-developed idea) and include at least one scholarly source.

One or two sentence responses, simple statements of agreement or “good post,” and responses that are off-topic will not count as substantive. Substantive responses should be at least 150 words.

I encourage you to incorporate the readings from the week (as applicable) into your responses.


Theories guide nursing practice but are not an end to the practice itself. In other words, nursing theories are used to formulate knowledge, attitudes, and commitments needed to influence the actions of care. This is to say that the fundamental care practices undertaken by a nurse should be in line with standard guidelines structured through a theoretical framework. However, principles in nursing theories should not be abandoned after a given clinical practice but instead should continue to guide decision-making in related areas of care (Arif & Nasir, 2019). Moreover, nursing theories are considered as the common thread that guides the practice of care and can be merged with other related theories to act as benchmarks for decisions on service delivery to patients.

Nursing Model Chosen: Neuman’s Systems Model

The model as developed by Betty Neuman views a patient as an open system that directly responds to stressors in an environment. The theory breaks down patient variables as psychological, developmental, physiological, spiritual, and sociocultural all of which determine how we respond to environmental stressors. According to the theory, the client system is made up of basic core structures which are protected by lines of resistance in a person (Ahmadi & Sadeghi, 2017). In this regard, the usual health level of a client is recognized by normal lines of defense which are protected by lines of resistance as defined by the integrity of the immune system in a person. However, stressors are considered intra, extra, and inter-personal but arise from both internal and external influences in the environment (Montano, 2021). According to Neuman’s System Model, when stressors from the environment invade the flexible lines of defense, the lines of resistance in a client are activated to fight back. The scenario is known as the wellness-illness continuum and if the system of a client has sufficient energy, it will be reconstituted and restored to a normal defense line.

Betty Neuman’s Systems Model consists of four metaparadigms as outlined below:

Human being: Described as an open system that directly interacts with both internal and external forces (also known as stressors) in an environment (Montano, 2021). As a system, human is constantly changing by moving towards illness or a state of stability.

Environment: This constitutes the platform or all factors that affect a system. The environment can be internal, external, or created.

Health: This is defined as a degree of system stability viewed as a continuum from wellness to illness. According to Ahmadi and Sadeghi (2017), optimal wellness exists when the needs of a system are met. However, illness exists when the needs of a system are unsatisfactory. Nonetheless, when energy needed to support the life of a system is not available, then death occurs.

Nursing: The main role is to identify relevant actions that can be taken to address stressors that affect a system (patient). The primary concern of nursing is to offer interventions that help a system to adjust, restore or maint

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