Developing Organizational Policies and Practices Competing needs arise within any organization as employees seek to meet their targets and leaders seek to meet company goals. As a leader, successful management of these goals requires establishing priorities and allocating resources accordingly. Within a healthcare setting, the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients are often in conflict. Mandatory overtime, implementation of staffing ratios, use of unlicensed assisting personnel, and employer reductions of education benefits are examples of practices that might lead to conflicting needs in practice. Leaders can contribute to both the problem and the solution through policies, action, and inaction. In this Assignment, you will further develop the white paper you began work on in Module 1 by addressing competing needs within your organization.

As nurses we’re faced with ethical dilemmas daily. We must not confuse ethics and the actual laws surrounding this profession. Although ethics and the law are very similar and paths overlap, they are not the same. Ethical dilemmas occur quite frequently in the healthcare field, which makes healthcare professionals more aware of how to respond to such events. Ethical issues put all healthcare professionals in the mindset of doing what is best for the patient. A national healthcare issue that is currently on a higher trend seems to be the nursing shortage in the work field. Overwhelming patient assignments ultimately lead to disgruntled staff affecting the overall working environment. The shortage in nursing many organizations are facing seem to have multiple effects on quality improvement or indicators such as customer service scores, increased amount of workloads and a decrease in the quality of care rendered (Buerhaus, Skinner, Auerbach, & Staiger, 2017). As safety is the number one goal inpatient care, polices over time have been revamped to ensure safer working environments for the shortage of nurses ultimately reducing medication errors as well as nurse burnout. Moreover, whereas patient needs dictate that hospitals shpuld hire more nurses, the financial performances of these hospitals is also a factor. Thus, nurisng shorateg is being affected by the need to provide quality healtt care services vis-à-vis the need to maintain heallty financial performances by health care facilities. Evidence suggests that hospitals have chosen the latter need hence the existence of nursing shortage.

Policies and Practices to Adress Nursing Shortage

At a leadership level, leaders must find the common balance to retain nurses by any means necessary while also understanding the demands placed on staff with unbearable patient acuities. Finding such balances demand strict policies to be put in place even if they are state-regulated. Within my organizations, we have strict policies for the different levels of care to determine the patient/nurse ratio (Abhicharttibutra et al., 2017). With the higher demands of needs for the care the patient may require they are put on different units, which also sets the bar for the nurse-patient ratio. A patient at a medical-surgical level of care does not and may not require the same care as a patient at an intensive care unit. For each level, there are guidelines our hospital follows, which will tell providers, managers, and patient flow coordinators the needs of the patient and the appropriate floors. This is done to ensure the acuity levels are not too intense for that unit, especially for the nurse-patient ratio on that unit. Along with setting limits regarding the units and patient level of care, there are also patient acuity tools utilized. Patient acuity tools have been proven useful with the formulation of proper nurse to patient ratios as well dispersing workloads. The purposes for nursing tools as such “increase nurse satisfaction with their patient assignment.”

Composing policies is done at many organizations and is forever changing. With established policies, the healthcare field is able to have standards in place to protect staff. Furrther, by enforcing these policies, nurses are protected from things such as assuming care of patients in what may be unsafe working environments. The American Nurses Association (ANA) is the safeguard for nurses and guides the policymakers within organizations for safe conditions. According to the ANA, federal regulations have been in placed to support nursing staff for safer working environments implying that facilities have an adequate amount of staff for patient care. The goal of policies and laws as such are necessary for the ensuring safety of the patient as well as safe workloads (Ferrer et al., 2014). Currently, there are a few states with staffing laws which is remarkable because by law that nurse is protected. The main strengths of staffing laws are that they help in enhancing the number of nurses employed annually in the healthcare sector, hence reducing patient-nurse ration in addition to protecting the rights of nurses for better healthcare (Yang, Hung, & Chen, 2015). However, the main obstacle towards this policy is that some states have failed to implement staffing laws, which makes it very hard to track down the hiring frequency and the total number of nurses in that state. As a result, the quality of healthcare tends to be affected negatively. Within such states, items such as patient acuity tools are used to help with facilitating fair-shared assignments amongst staff.

Ethical Considerations

One ethical issue when dealing with policies aimed at solving nursing shortage the laws on aging nurses and retirement. Healthcare facilities are faced with the hard decision of how to reduc

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