Leadership Strategies to Improve Outcomes, Patient-Centered Care, and the Patient Experience Related To Type 2 Diabetes


Leadership strategies that can improve patient outcomes in diabetes include advocacy for diabetic patients. It is crucial to enhance the lives of persons with and at risk for diabetes.  According to ADA (2016), advocacy efforts can help address and modify the social determinants that are the root of diabetes risk factors such as physical inactivity, obesity, and smoking. Furthermore, leadership strategies such as explicit goal setting with patients, incorporating evidence-based guidelines and clinical information tools in the process of care, identifying and addressing language and cultural barriers to care, and involving care management teams, can promote reductions in A1C, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels in diabetic patients (ADA, 2016). Leaders can exercise their authority to influence diabetic patients and the entire community on behavior change, which leads to better health outcomes.

Patient-centered care can be improved through leadership strategies for coordinating primary care. Optimal diabetes management necessitates an organized, systematic approach, and the contribution of a coordinated team of health professionals working in a setting where patient-centered high-quality care is a priority (Asif et al., 2019). A nurse leader can coordinate the care of the health team and expand the role of the team to execute more intensive diabetes management strategies.

Leaders with an effective leadership style positively impact employees’ behavior and patient satisfaction. Effective leadership strategies enable the leader to act as a spiritual mentor to achieve desired goals not only in the aspects of patient satisfaction but also in other facets of the hospital environment (Asif et al., 2019). Enhancing patients’ experience in the hospital setting requires leadership strategies that focus on improving work processes and systems that enable health providers to provide more effective care (Asif et al., 2019). A leader can improve the patient experience by enhancing the working environment for employees in the healthcare setting to increasing their satisfaction.


M.N has Type 2 Diabetes mellitus, which puts him at risk of developing comorbid conditions and diabetes-related complications. Nursing actions in patients with type 2 diabetes include providing patient education, promoting self-care, screening, and assessing and meeting a patient’s nutritional needs. Board nursing practice standards affect the care provided by nurses by setting the minimum requirements for a nurse to provide care for a diabetic patient. Governmental policies influence how care is provided by determining the scope of a nurse. They can also influence lifestyle practices by limiting unhealthy habits and promoting healthy practices.  Leadership strategies that can improve outcomes and patient-centered care include advocacy, goal setting, incorporating evidence-based guidelines, addressing barriers, care coordination, and influencing behavior change.


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