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The helping professions, including nursing, are characterized by the fact that they are not something external to the individual, but encompass the whole person. The activities performed by nurses,...
Social media has become a part of everyday life for numerous adolescents. In fact, according to the Pew Research Center, three-quarters of American teens a...
These past several years, the use of social media has increased significantly and have longer-term prospects correspondingly brighter all around the world including Indonesia. The growth of social ...
EssayArticle Review
TikTok has become a popular mobile application for social media users. The application’s popularity has allowed it to influence the behavior of its users which c...
Social media has developed into a potent and beneficial instrument that allows contemporary society to engage. However, social networking platforms are bec...
In the 21st century, the solution to public problems goes hand in hand with the persuasive media campaign. The era of social media and overall digitalization created immense opportunities for infor...
TikTok is a social media app that was created by a Chinese tech company named ByteDance in September of 2016 which at first went under the name Douyin. Douyin is a social media app exclusive to Chi...
The purpose of this work is to give a fairly accurate idea of the impact of the TikTok social media platform on the attention of students during lectures. The effect of TikTok as a...
Divorce, a legal separation of a married couple that has profound effects on the people involved. There are both long-term and short-term effects that arise after a divorce occurs. When a married c...
The problem this study looks at is the mental health of children with separated parents compared to children who have both parents. More specifically, looking at the number of children who have anx...
Divorce is a harrowing experience for a growing child. Breaking of marital bond affects every area of a child’s life. Children divided from one of their parents suffer trauma that affects the...
Divorce refers to the dissolution of a marriage as provided by family law. It is usually an upsetting event because it creates disappointment, and might ev...
Marriage and divorce are distinct events that affect the daily lives of children. Most notably, the mental health, as well as the physical and cognitive capabilities of ind...
According to a study conducted by Williams-Owens (2017), 40% of children in the U.S. experience divorce before they attain 18 years. Divorce is a significant life event that has far-reaching conseq...
One of the ideas that the twenty-first century has brought to us is a new form of play and how often we as individuals associate it with technology. But why do we associate it with technology and w...
Over the past three decades, video games have become a massive pop culture sensation among younger individuals. As David Deutsch, author of &l...
Video games have long been a source of both enjoyment and controversy, particularly when it comes to their impact on children and young adults. While many adults argue that excessive gaming leads t...
The effect of having a child on happiness will be explored. Twenty families (12 females and 8 males) will be asked on the effect of having a child on their happi...
Periclean Athens refers to the latter part of Athens Golden Age of Athens, and was characterized by political hegemony, economic growth, and a flourishing culture. The Age of Pericles refers to the...