My Definition of Nursing and Its Differences from Scientist’s Theories


My nursing theory is centered on the therapeutic relationship between the nurse and patient, incorporating the ideas of Hildegard Peplau and Jean Watson. This theory emphasizes the importance of a holistic and patient-centered approach to nursing care, with the nurse serving as a facilitator of the patient’s journey towards health and well-being. The nurse acts as a caring and compassionate presence, providing emotional support, education, and guidance to the patient throughout the healing process. This theory recognizes the unique needs of each patient and emphasizes the importance of empowering patients to take an active role in their own care. The overarching goal of this theory is to promote health and well-being by addressing the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the patient through a collaborative and holistic approach to nursing care. Thus, nursing is the process of healing, but it includes social and emotional interactions based on the personal nurse-patient connection.

The Current State of Nursing

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Economic and organizational changes influenced the state of nursing and impacted its future. Nurses face various challenges that influence their image and increase professional standards. For instance, previously, nursing was considered a maternal profession, which created many prejudices (Grinberg & Sela, 2022). Nurses are the leading care providers, and this image is still developing and can be useful in politics. Nurses’ involvement in politics is needed for social advancements, and nurses, as politicians, influence people’s quality of life (Grinberg & Sela, 2022). Economic and organizational changes in nursing have led to a shift towards a more cost-effective and efficient healthcare system. Nurses are playing a more active role in healthcare management, and technology has become more prevalent, improving communication and collaboration (Grinberg & Sela, 2022). The current state of nursing is unstable and needs improvements. Nursing will remain useful in the future, but a few changes will take place. The future of nursing will demand even more skills and abilities. In the future nurses should be more assertive and able to make difficult decisions and improve their understanding of patients’ personalities and their needs. Global changes worldwide increase the demand for nursing and significantly impact the further development of this practice.

The current state of nursing uses the theories of both scientists to engage emotions in carrying relationships and understanding the behavior of healthcare professionals and patients. Peplaus theory developed the modern concept of nursing such as making informed decisions, motivational interviewing, and client engagement (Wasaya, 2021). Based on this theory, presently healthcare workers pay great attention to their behavior and their patients, analyze it and find ways to improve it. Watsons theory provides nurses with spiritual and emotional help to take of patients (Wei & Watson, 2019). Nurses not only look after the physical health and needs of the patients but also take into account spiritual and emotional health and practices. Hence, the current state of nursing is based on these two theories and uses their concepts to improve the nursing and healing process.


Grinberg, K., & Sela, Y. (2022). Perception of the image of the nursing profession and its relationship with quality of careBMC nursing, 21(1), 1-8. Web.

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