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Nursing is a constantly developing profession. Nowadays, nurses obtain unique knowledge and skills that are based on profound scientific research. This ...
It was not until 1950s that first nursing theories began to be formulated and applied to nursing practice after many centuries of tradition-based experimental le...
The question of alcohol consumption among adolescents is quite acute and pressing and, therefore, requires an appropriate and rational approach. Having an adolescent patient using alcohol, it is cr...
Orem’s stated several crucial concepts in the attempt to design her model. Her model consisted of three primary concepts i.e. the nursing systems, self-care deficit and finally self-care (Sit...
Dorothea Orem, a prominent nurse, was born in Maryland; where she spent a better part of her early days. Despite earning several honors from different institutions, Orem had a thriving career, whic...
Orem defined surrounding by combining certain elements i.e. chemicals, materials, organic and finally socioeconomics. Her definition was undoubtedly a summary of the elements that form the environm...
My track is related to Advanced Registered Nursing Practice, specifically Family Nursing Practice. This paper will provide a conceptual framework, a theoretical model of the Need Theory – gra...
Contingency leadership and transformational leadership theories both focus on investigating components of relative climate, which may impact the productivity of administration. They base on other t...
EssayCause and Effect Essay
The COVID-19 virus welcomed the year 2020 bearing dreadful news. It has been more than a year since the whole world started battling the COVID-19 pandemic. Ove...
One crucial factor in the nursing burnout issue is the work environment, particularly the role of State Board Nursing Practice Standards and Organizational or Governmental Policies. These standards...
Nursing is a demanding profession that often requires long hours and intense emotional labor. As a result, nurses are at high risk for burnout, which is characterized by feelings of exhaustion, cyn...
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unheard-of changes in every sphere of society, including education. Global school closures replaced traditional classroom ...
The Covid-19 pandemic has had adverse impacts on individuals and affected nearly all aspects of life. From social and economic disruptions to food insecurity, ...
Nursing is a demanding profession that requires nurses to provide high-quality care while managing a heavy workload and complex patients while keeping up with a healthcare system that is constantly...
I recently watched a movie entitled Why Him?. Though several issues of popular culture are addressed in Why Him?, one that stood out most wa...
Social media has become a daily part of life for many teens in the current world. As per the 2018 Pew Research Center survey, it shows that 97% of teens use social media platforms such as Instagram...
The complicated and demanding nature of the nursing profession makes burnout among nurses a risk. Burnout is a state of extended stress and a lack of support, resulting in emotional, bodily, and me...
The evolution of clothing styles is perpetual, and teenagers’ interest in clothing trends is nothing new. The way we conceive of and define fashion is constantly evolving. Teenagers’ re...
Social media has a significant impact on the lives of all those who use it, but children and teenagers seem to be the most impacted by the medium. As a con...
Burnout is among the essential human resources issues in nursing. Nurses experience burnout due to high workload, poor working conditions, lack of support ...