Nursing Guides Theories: Nola J. Pender’s Health Promotion Model and Parse’s Theoretical Perspective Nola J. Pender’s Health Promotion Model


Nola J. Pender’s Health Promotion Model presents powerful action plans that can increase a client’s wellbeing. Health is defined as a positive dynamic that can be experienced in the presence of a disease (Rahimian, Mohammadi, Mehri, & Rakhshani, 2016). Every patient has his or her unique characteristics. Practitioners should modify the existing variables and support desirable behavioral changes.

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The health model has always influenced the practice of advanced practice nurses (APNs). These professionals can use Pender’s view of health to modify their patients’ actions and behaviors. They can use the four meta-paradigms to create a powerful healthcare delivery model that focuses on the variables of their respective patients (Guedes et al., 2012). They should be aware of the dynamics and characteristics of their clients.

The health promotion practice should focus on the best behaviors capable of improving health. APNs can also use the model to identify the unique barriers to effective care delivery. They should address the environmental issues in an attempt to enhance their patients’ functional ability. The consideration of the patient’s cultural values, promotion of self-initiated practices, and ability to provide personalized services constitute the interpersonal healing environment (Rahimian et al., 2016). The model guides APNs to design powerful nursing philosophies capable of inducing health-promotion behaviors.

Parse’s Theoretical Perspective

The development of Rosemarie Rizzo Parse’s theoretical perspective has helped to frame nursing knowledge. The perspective defines health as an “open process of becoming that involves the synthesis of different values” (Lins et al., 2013, p. 1182). Nursing is human art and science that uses evidence-based knowledge. The perspective treats nursing as a powerful process that should not necessarily be aimed at addressing health problems. Instead, it should be used to monitor the perspectives of patients. Nursing practice should empower the patient to achieve his or her health goals. This new approach to nursing is what supports the health needs of more clients.

Similarly, this nursing knowledge has the potential to influence APNs’ practice. The perspective supports the creation of appropriate patient-nurse relationships capable of co-creating patients’ health patterns (Lins et al., 2013). The theory guides APNs to use evidence-based ideas that can synchronize rhythms and promote healing. The totality paradigm, in theory, defines man as a combination of psychological, spiritual, biological, and sociological factors (Lins et al., 2013). APNs should use the perspective to maximize the wellbeing of the patient and offer culturally sensitive health support.

The AACN Essential VIII


APNs can use Pender’s model to carry out the AACN Essential VIII in their daily practice. The theory guides nurses to use scientific findings to improve their healthcare delivery philosophies. The model encourages them to become competent leaders capable of promoting healthcare delivery. Quality improvement and modern informatics can be embraced to enhance and deliver evidence-based care. Consultation with different professionals and family members can result in evidence-based care.

APNs can use the model to form multidisciplinary teams that can increase patients’ commitment to positive health behaviors. Nurses can address the competing demands that affect patients’ responsiveness to various action plans. The nursing environment should also be carefully patterned to support the health delivery process. After understanding the health issues affecting the targeted patients, APNs can formulate client-centered and culturally sensitive initiatives. The theory makes it easier for APNs to implement health-promoting behaviors that can result in fulfillment, wellbeing, and productive living (Guedes et al., 2012). The approach will ensure more APNs focus on the AACN Essential VIII and deliver evidence-based clinical prevention to families, individuals, and at-risk populations.


Guedes, N., Moreira, R., Cavalcante, T., de Araujo, T., Lopes, M., Ximenes, L.,…Vieira, N. (2012). Nursing interventions related to health promotion in hypertensive patients. Acta Paul Enferm, 25(1), 151-156.

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