Similarities and Differences between Watson’s and Peplau’s Theories

Watson’s and Peplau’s Nursing Theories

Words: 879 Pages: 3

The definition of nursing has been created by many people, so each explanation is different. The understanding of nursing depends on aspects a person includes in the explanation. Watson’s and Peplau’s theories are among the most appropriate to define nursing, but some points differ from my explanation. Therefore, the definition of nursing should include many factors and can be developed due to the state of nursing and its future development.

Similarities and Differences between Watson’s and Peplau’s Theories

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Watson’s and Peplau’s nursing theories are based on the healing process and they mark the interpersonal nature of nursing. They recognized the unique needs of each patient and the importance of a holistic and patient-centered approach to nursing care (Wei & Watson, 2019). Both theories also emphasized the importance of education and guidance to promote health and well-being. (Wasaya, 2021). Watson and Peplau included different aspects of the work, such as medical and ethical human care (Wei & Watson, 2019). Watson and Peplau believed that the development of communication in the patient environment would promote the healing process (Wei & Watson, 2019). Watson and Peplau highlighted the necessity of interpersonal connections between nurse and patient (Wasaya, 2021). Therefore, scientists researched the interpersonal nature of nursing and paid major attention to communication between nurse and patient, and their theories are based on carrying and interacting.

However, Watsons theory devised carative factors, whereas Peplau identified stages of the nurse-patient relationship. Watson’s definition is based on the statement that nursing is a human science of people and health (Wei & Watson, 2019). Watson regarded nursing as a science and art. Watsons theory states that the interpersonal dynamics between nurses and patients are essential. She created 10 carative factors, specifying the way care should be implemented in nurse-patient relations (Wei & Watson, 2019). Peplau defined nursing primarily as art, and the key role here is the nurse-patient relationship, which is based on therapeutic interactions and requires passion for the job (Wasaya, 2021). Peplau divided nurse-patient relationships into three stages: orientation phase, working phase and termination phase (Wasaya, 2021). Peplau stated that nursing is an interpersonal and therapeutic, whether Watson emphasized that humanity should heal itself. Hence, the approach to the definition of nursing by Watson and Peplau is different but is focused on care.

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