Personal Nursing Philosophy: Metaparadigms and Practice-Specific Concepts Nursing Autobiography


In the account of developing this personal nursing philosophy paper, my personal professional resume was critical in evaluating my deep intuitions about the nursing profession. Educationally, I possess a Bachelor’s degree in nursing that I acquired in 2011 and I have been a Registered Nurse (RN) from 2005-2009, with a certificate of a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) acquired in 2005. In addition, I possess an Associates’s Degree in Liberal Arts, which I earned in 2001. Currently, I provide specialized care to medically complex patients at LTAC Hospital. Being a Registered Nurse since 2005, I am experienced in performing Trach care, PEG/NG Tube care, PICC care, as well as Colostomy care. I possess immense experience in titrating critical I.V drips, administering medications, and monitoring vital signs and blood glucose levels. As an RN, I have crucial expertise in monitoring telemetry rhythms, inserting Foley catheters, and fecal bags, performing I.V insertions, and cares for ventilator dependent patients, as well as performing venipunctrure for laboratory blood draws.

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On a part-time basis, I have been working in Medical Assurant Inc. and I am apt with the task of a site review consultant. The main duties of expertise were undertaking medical chart reviews, performing medical record reviews/abstractions, and completing remote reviews. I scanned relevant components of medical records electronically and uploaded review assignments of scanned medical records coupled with communicating effectively to care providers. I also worked at Tri-County Nurse plus LLC and undertook numerous duties within the Contingent in Rehabilitation/ LTAC/ LTC facilities. During this time, I administered medication and performed RN roles in various metropolitan area homes. I also assessed patient conditions during admissions as per Medicare guidelines and ensured daily charting on patient assessments. I also worked with HCR-Manor Georgian East Nursing Home, where I undertook several patient-care activities and finally at Advent Home Medical, Nurse Match Staffing and Home Care and New Light Nursing Home. In these hospitals, I managed to acquire ventilator experience LTV 1150 & 950 and cared for spinal cord and traumatic brain injury patients among others.

The Four Metaparadigms in nursing

Nursing is a broad profession, but it is defined in only four main metaparadigms that bound its professional practice within the healthcare boundaries (Brencick & Webster, 2000). Metaparadigm is one of the major terminologies established in nursing practice that mean the most globally renowned perspective or viewpoint of a certain discipline and it principally acts as a summarizing framework or unit, within which restricted structures can barely develop (Master, 2011). In other words, metaparadigm can remain defined “as the global concepts that identify the phenomenon of central interest to a discipline, the global preposition that describe the concepts, and the global prepositions that state the relations between or among the concepts” (Fawcett & Madeya, 2012, p.4). Each concept or discipline in the four metaparadigms of nursing identifies phenomena of its attention that it intends to deal with and normally in a unique manner. The main metaparadigms or concepts, which are globally recognized in the nursing practice include, “a person or patient, environment, health, and nursing” (Fawcett & Madeya, 2012, p.4).

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Person, also known as a patient, as a nursing Metaparadigm refers to the recipient of healthcare or care that can be either in the form of physical treatment and care, spiritual care and support, psychological support, or even socio-cultural components of support (Masters, 2011). Person, as a Metaparadigm, can also mean individuals, families, or even communities that are crucial participants seeking healthcare support. Environment is another Metaparadigm that means all external and internal atmospheric conditions, influences, or even circumstances that affect human beings. In addition, environment may signify physical surroundings including regional, national, or worldwide boundaries as well as social, cultural, political, or even economic conditions associated with human health. Health is the third Metaparadigm that refers to human conditions that depict the degree of wellness or illness inherent in persons or processes of living and dying (Masters, 2011). Nursing is the f

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