Personal Nursing Philosophy Based on Peplau’s Theory

Personal Nursing Philosophy Based on Peplau’s Theory


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The metaparadigm of nursing covers the concepts fundamental to the profession. In particular, these are elements such as client, nursing, health, and the environment (Black, 2016). They are interconnected and penetrate each other, creating a holistic approach to patient care. My understanding that caring for clients should entail all these primary factors has influenced the development of my nursing philosophy. The purpose of this paper is to discuss my personal beliefs in terms of the metaparadigm and correlate those to nursing theory.



In my understanding, the client is the main element of the metaparadigm from which all other aspects flow. A person is a combination of physical, intellectual, and spiritual qualities and forces. Importantly, the concept of a client includes not only the individual but also their surroundings such as family, work team, or educational environment. Thus, the client should be evaluated from a physical, mental, and social point of view (Black, 2016). In my nursing philosophy, the aspect of the client is humanistic and involves an understanding of the value of every human life. Each person is able to determine their individual needs independently. For this reason, the nurse should evaluate the client as a holistic structure.

A patient is not only a combination of organs and physical reactions but also an organism with a sensory side, which includes memory, thinking, feelings, hopes, and so on. Moreover, each client has spirituality, which reflects their views on the spiritual life. The modern world is diverse, and it also affects how a nurse should treat a patient (Black, 2016). In contact with different cultures, the patient learns the norms and customs adopted in their environment and functions as a social individual and member of various societies. Therefore, when interacting with a patient, the nurse needs to consider these factors.

The environment is related to the patient directly, and it is inseparable from human well-being. As indicated above, the patient lives by building social relations with the outside world. During this process, a person affects the environment, and the environment affects the individual (this includes not only the physical but also the social environment). In particular, the relationships in which a person lives and functions make up their physical environment, while culture is the patient’s social environment (Black, 2016). My nursing philosophy implies creating such an environment for the patient that will be as similar as possible to the conditions of their usual environment because this will directly affect the quality of their life. Nursing care that takes into account the patient’s natural setting will allow the client to feel more comfortable and safe (Black, 2016). It is also important to include the family and the immediate environment of the patient in care so that they can support the patient and help them adapt to the new atmosphere quicker.

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The concept of health may be considered from different points of view. In my philosophy, this is not simply the absence of diseases but a condition in which the patient experiences a state close to physical, mental, and social well-being (Alligood, 2017). My main task as a nurse is to help my client achieve such a state of health in which they will be able to satisfy their needs in physical, mental, and social areas of life. Yet, it is crucial to comprehend that each person has an individual perception of what is better for them, and the nursing specialist should treat this with due respect.

Nursing care is the factor that brings the three previous concepts together. The professional activities of a nurse meet the patient’s needs regarding the prevention of diseases, as well as maintaining health through increasing patient’s health literacy and counseling. The nurse’s task is to teach the patient through communication how to be as independent as possible so that they can function freely in everyday life (Alligood, 2017). In addition, my philosophy implies alleviating the suffering of the patient through the joint work of the patient, family, and the nurse. It is necessary to teach the client how they can take care of themselves most effectively so that they are self-sustaining.

Nursing Theory

The theory that seems to be the most compatible with my nursing philosophy is the approach suggested by Hildegard E. Peplau. This is an early conceptual theory that is more relevant to the field of psychiatry (Varcarolis, 2016).

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