Personal Nursing Philosophy and Nursing Metaparadigm




Every professional nurse has to work according to specific rules and approaches that allow them to deliver high-quality care to patients and develop effective treatment programs. Therefore, starting from the nursing school, specialists have to get acquainted with certain nursing values, beliefs, and ethics and learn to implement them in practice. The following paper will discuss my personal philosophy and explore the nursing metaparadigm in order to highlight the concepts that match my individual approach to the profession.


Main body

My personal nursing philosophy is founded on the idea that I have to do everything possible to care for my patients, fulfil my professional goals, and have a satisfactory emotional state. I believe that the main goal of every nurse should be to provide psychological support for sick individuals and keep trustful and professional communication with their relatives. Even though nursing practices vary “across the setting depending on what patients generally require”, most professionals have to work long hours and perform in emotionally draining circumstances (Kim, 2015, p. 1). For this reason, one of the important characteristics of my personal philosophy is that I know my boundaries and needs. I am not afraid to put my desires at the first place by taking a break or even a day off because it is vital for me to feel emotionally stable while treating patients.

Nursing metaparadigm is a set of rules and theories that determine how the discipline should function and deliver professional healthcare services to patients. There are four basic principles that “point to a holistic view of care where a person’s well-being and medical health is connected to several interactive components” (Dupree, 2018, para. 1). The metaparadigm consists of a person, environment, health, and nursing elements. The first part focuses on the receiver of medical services, takes into consideration family members and other important agents, and states that individuals are empowered to manage their health with dignity (Dupree, 2018). The second component, as I understand it, proposes that people have a possibility to control their surroundings in order to improve their health state and treatment efficiency. The health part of the metaparadigm refers to the genetics and physical, social, and intellectual well-being of patients and identifies how all these factors impact their overall state (Dupree, 2018). Finally, the nursing component determines the delivery of appropriate healthcare outcomes through trustful relationships and a supportive environment. Thus, all four principles seem to be important for the proper functioning of the nursing industry.

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While I believe that this metaparadigm is an essential tool for nursing, specific changes could be made. I think it would be beneficial to add the institutional component to the model. This element would consider the role of medical establishments in the treatment process and point out how hospital environments influence their patients. At the same time, one element that could possibly be eliminated is health. In the contemporary world, medicine is so developed that it has the potential to help patients even with the most severe health conditions. Therefore, the health piece of the paradigm seems to be the least important.


Overall, having a personal nursing philosophy is essential for every medical professional because it determines how they treat their patients and enhance their skills. I believe that it is important to provide constant support to patients and, at the same time, put personal needs at the first place. Thus, the presented paper discussed my individual approach to the profession and investigated nursing metaparadigm according to my personal beliefs and preferences.


Dupree, D. (2018). Four basic metaparadigm concepts in nursing. Career Trend. Web.

Kim, H. S. (2015). The essence of nursing practice: Philosophy and perspective. Springer Publishing Company.

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