Personal Nursing Philosophy: Concepts and Values Key concepts of my nursing philosophy


The key concepts of my nursing philosophy revolve around my core values, which include integrity, honesty, advocacy, compassion, respect, patient privacy, and knowledge. Compassion is the backbone of my nursing philosophy as I believe that I am a gift to humanity and my duty in this journey of life is to serve and help others in need. Knowledge underscores the need for continuous learning to keep abreast with the emerging trends and issues in the profession.

The 4 meta paradigms of nursing

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According to Fawcett (1985), the 4 meta paradigms of nursing include nursing, environment, health, and person. According to my view, I see beyond the veil of patients as clients seeking medical help. I believe that nurse-patient relationships should be authentic based on core values that define human dignity and altruism. I believe that patients play a key role in achieving their health goals, which explains why I see them as partners in the process of caring. On the environment, I ascribe to Nightingale’s view that my role as a nurse is to “put the patient in the best condition for nature to act upon him or her” (Kelly, 2012, p. 2397).

I focus on how a patient can change his or her environment, which includes internal and external factors, to gain health in the shortest time possible. Where possible, I meet the patient’s relatives and friends and explain to them what they can do to help him or her recover quickly. On nursing, which is the third metaparadigm, I view it as a practice, which involves offering quality and holistic care to patients.

However, the term “patient” goes beyond the sick individual to incorporate families, populations, and societies. Therefore, as a nurse, I seek to improve the well-being of patients by incorporating all human dimensions. Finally, on the health element, I believe in the assertion that health is “negotiated and contextual rather than being imposed and universal” (Basford & Slevin, 2003, p. 195). Under this context, I believe that health determinants shape the recovery process of a patient.

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