
Sample Papers

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1. Assessment of the usefulness of sources of information about progression routes from apprenticeship?

1. Assessment of the usefulness of sources of information about progression routes from apprenticeship
The sources of information for progression routes from apprenticeship a...

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Developments made in the community care services Ethical Dilemma For Nurses Essay

Community care services introduced changes such as integrity in the healthcare services, and defined the roles of the medical professions. Ethical values and principles are important as it helps in...

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Impact of Economic Growth on Public Healthcare Expenditure Essay

This chapter presents literature review related to public health expenditure and economic growth. The chapter’s objective is to present a logic...

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Challenging behavior & problems-Disabilities & Disorders Essay

Challenging behavior & problems-Disabilities & Disorders Essay

Challenging behavior is defined as display of culturally abnormal behavior of such frequency, behav...

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Explain each of the Institute of Medicine’s five core competencies and describe ways in which nursing practice can meet each of these. Identify at least one obstacle for each and explain in detail how it can be overcome.

I. Provide patient-centred care This core competency entails identifying and respecting patients’ values, differences and attending to their varying needs. The competence requires that clinic...

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In the Institute of Medicine’s 2010 Future of Nursing report, the committee developed four key messages. Choose one message, explain the message in detail, and why it is important to the nursing profession

In the Institute of Medicine’s 2010 Future of Nursing report, the committee developed four key messages. Choose one message, explain the message in detail, and why it is important to the nurs...

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Describe at least three challenges nurses face today in care delivery. These can be ethical, legal, financial, or social. Provide at least one way to successfully overcome each challenge.

The major challenge nurses face is inadequate staffing (Black, 2019). While short-staffing is considered a slight inconvenience and can be fixed after the next recruitment phase, the challenge in n...

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Week 3: Group Therapy , Walden University NRNP 6645: Pschopathology and Diagnostic Reasoning

Analyzing Group Techniques

The video selected for evaluation is the Interpersonal Therapy for Addiction Recovery Demonstration; it features one of the members (Jimmy) opening up to the gr...

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Primary health care Essay The purpose of this report is to increase focus and action for safeguarding the well-being and mental health adolescents (12-24 years of age), especially adolescents suffering from depression

Adolescents tend to take extreme steps such as severely hurting themselves or even suicide when they are emotionally unwell. The ratio of suicide occurrence on the basis of gender as has been provi...

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Explain the difference between internal and external evidence. How can each of these types of evidence be utilized for quality improvement in the clinical setting?

Internal and External Evidence Evidence-based practice is currently very popular with medical practitioners, especially in nursing practice. The nurses use different sources to gather their evidenc...

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Explain the difference between internal and external evidence. How can each of these types of evidence be utilized for quality improvement in the clinical setting?

Internal evidence and external evidence are both research and answers to be able to provide the best evidence-based practice. Internal evidence is made of what knowledge individuals have gain throu...

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Focused Soap note and Patient Case Presentation Student Name Walden University N6665-Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Care Across the lifespan I Practicum

Subjective CC: Patient said he has been feeling suicidal with plan to take rat poison. Patient said “I do not need medication; I only need therapy” HPI: Patient is a 22-year-old Caucasi...

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Week (Three): Assessing and Diagnosing Patient with Mood Disorders College of Nursing-PMHNP, Walden University NRNP 6635: Psychopathology and Diagnostic Reasoning

Comprehensive Assessment of Mood Disorder

To establish an appropriate treatment plan, a complete client evaluation is necessary and may be carried out during the initial sitting (Wheeler,...

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Week 2:Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Note and Patient Case Presentation Student Name College of Nursing-PMHNP, Walden University NRNP 6635: Psychopathology and Diagnostic Reasoning

Week 2:Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Note and Patient Case Presentation

Subjective CC (chief complaint)

The patient is a 25-year-old woman has stopped taking her mediatio...

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