How does the theory determine or influence each of their recommendations for action? 4.What theory do you agree with? Why? How would that theory determine or influence the recommendation for action?

Jessica, Blended Theories and Modern Western Worldview

The author of this paper believes that Jessica has a blended worldview on the moral status of the fetus. In one aspect Jessica appears to have similar thoughts to Marco on how the fetus would hinder their progress on the socioeconomic ladder and hinder their independence, which aligns with the materialism worldview which puts more emphasis on matter and material objects than with religion, spirituality, intelligence, or value in the fetus that has abnormalities. On the other hand Jessica has a belief that all life is sacred which aligns with the Christian worldview. (HLT 310V Case Study: Fetal Abnormality, n.d.)

As these two concepts create conflict, one could also argue that Jessica’s worldview is modern Western as it is influenced by dualism, biblical values and a scientific perspective (the quality of life of her child). Shelly and Miller (2006), describe the modern Western worldview as being influenced by dualism which dualism is a division between two entities that will always have conflict and can be seen as matter (evil) having conflict with the spirit (good). Case Study: Fetal Abnormality (Moral Status Essay). This worldview is also influenced by success-failure, truth-falsehood, scientific perspectives and biblical values of justice and love. Overtime in this worldview God has become distant and people believe their paths and destiny in life are their own, emphasizing the value of people as individuals. (Shelly & Miller, 2006)

            Each of these worldviews play a role in determining Jessica’s path that she will chose in regards to the fetus. Materialism would call for Jessica to go through an abortion, Christianity and a modern Western worldview would influence Jessica to carry on with the pregnancy and fulfil her role in caring, loving and nurturing the fetus. (Shelly & Miller, 2006)

Author’s Blended Theory

This author believes in a blended worldview and a blended theory approach to the different situations and dilemmas that are presented in one’s lifetime. This author finds that a blended approach is best to determine which path to follow as there is not just only one correct theory or path in life. This author believes that each person is a unique individual who is valuable and has a purpose, everyone is entitle to a life that has meaning and quality, not one of pain and suffering. As a nurse this author feels that we must do everything in our power to care for each other physically, emotionally and spiritually and keep an open mind when presented with life’s difficulties. This author also believes in science and knowing the logical facts of situations; however, even science and the facts can be wrong or misinterpreted at times.

Christianity is just one piece that makes up this author’s worldview; however, it is this worldview that would influence this author the most if presented with this case or in this situation. Christianity would influence this author to have faith in God, or a higher power, to do what is right and what is best for the child. If the child survives birth, it is our duty as Christians to help take care of this child, to nurture and to love. Case Study: Fetal Abnormality (Moral Status Essay). Science and advances in health care and technology are also available to make sure that the child has additional resources to find and have quality in life.


As humans are unique individuals, each one has their own philosophies, theories and worldviews on life. Until one is presented with such a dilemma or situation, one is unable to exactly say what they would say, do or believe in when in such a situation. As everyone as a unique perspective on life and the way they perceive reality, it is important for one to be able to identify the worldviews of others around them. With an open mind and a greater understanding of the views around us, in our personal and professional lives we are able to be unbiased, caring and compassionate, find our purpose and meaning in life and develop our own moral compass to help guide us in today’s world. Case Study: Fetal Abnormality (Moral Status Essay).



Burnett, T. (n.d.). What is Scientism? Retrieved from

HLT 310V Case Study: Fetal Abnormality. (n.d.). Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ.

Materialism. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster online. Retrieved from

Shelly, J.A., & Miller, A.B. (2006). Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing (2nd ed.). Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic/InterVarsity Pr

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