Using examples, compare and contrast the sampling strategies of qualitative versus quantitative research designs. Describe some advantages and disadvantages of each. Must be related to Emergency Room

Sampling Strategies in Research Design

Sampling is how researchers tend to identify a portion of the population to study (Turner, 2020). It is not possible to investigate every individual in the community or region. Therefore, researchers usually select a study sample using different sampling strategies based on whether the research is qualitative or quantitative. This study discusses the comparison and contrast of the sampling strategies of qualitative versus quantitative research designs and the advantages and disadvantages.

Comparison between Qualitative and Quantitative

The qualitative method uses non-probability sampling strategies, which have no possibility of choosing samples randomly. Non-probability uses the researcher’s perceptions based on the observed real phenomenon in the population. Therefore, there are high chances of not being selected in the population, thus can be biased (Turner, 2020). For example, suppose the study is about the increase in drug use by secondary students in a particular community. In that case, the researcher will focus on a specific sample of their choice, based on their perceptions.

Quantitative, on the other hand, uses probability sampling that is also referred to as purposeful or random. The study subjects have higher chances of being selected using the random system. The probability sampling strategies are easy to use and well organized to allow studying of a whole population. For example, in studying drug use in secondary school students in a particular community, the researcher can check at least the entire population because of the random selection.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Sampling Strategies

Some quantitative sampling strategies are easy to use, especially systematic and simple random. At the same time, some are time-consuming, especially in cluster strategy.  In qualitative, some methods are less expensive. However, they can be time-consuming because the researcher has to analyze each detail to decide on the scope of the population to study. Qualitative sampling strategies can also be biased because it does not focus on the entire population.


Turner, D. P. (2020). Sampling methods in research design.


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