Topic 2: How is data used to evaluate health outcomes within your work environment and at the national level? Provide an example for both.



Response 1: (chislon)


Data is utilized at both the immediate and national levels for health care evaluation and care plan changes. At the micro-level in individual health care settings, data from individual patients are taken into account at every step of their health management process. For example, if a patient is recovering from serious surgery, their vitals may be monitored extremely closely to ensure that healing is going according to plan. After a follow-up occurs over a long period, the outcome for that specific procedure provides a single data point that helps to inform the physicians and nurses about the efficacy of the procedure and how it may go for future patients in that setting. For patients who are on prescribed medication, blood work may be taken regularly to monitor any side effects and adjust either dosage or what pharmacotherapy is used. When the patient is responding well to the specific dosage, the care team can view it as a successful health outcome.

At the national level, data is obtained from large populations of individuals with a specific health history or condition to monitor their outcomes when given a specific treatment plan. Widespread training of health care professionals and applications of health care treatments can be adjusted when data is obtained that may go against existing methods. For instance, the structure of health care plans that work to achieve better outcomes for elderly populations with their specific goals and needs has been adjusted recently as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic (Fulmer et al., 2021). Long-term studies, especially randomized controlled trials, are especially useful for nursing practices that involve pharmaceutical interventions and their saf

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