Topic 1 : Using examples, compare and contrast the sampling strategies of qualitative versus quantitative research designs. Describe some advantages and disadvantages of each.



Sampling strategies us in both qualitative and quantitative research design differ and share certain qualities.  At its core sampling strategies involve elements in which possible elements in a study are taken into account. Sampling methods in application in qualitative and quantitative research design boast different strengths and weaknesses depending on their respective research design. Quota sampling and convenience sampling is typically used in qualitative studies while purposive and theoretical sampling is used in qualitative studies.

With convenience sampling researchers provide elements for inclusion in the sample based on accessibility. This form of sampling generalizes groups to review a large array of subjects. Although this form will allow more subjects, many may not contribute to the study. For instance, in a setting to determine a percentage of movie go-ers that watch action movies, this from of design will take into account everyone who goes to the movie theater. Quota sampling on the other hand selects certain elements in groups for study rather than being randomly selected. In samples such as these groups can be selected to reflect the subject population. In the same scenario previously stated, targetting those who chose to go to the movie theater, with quota sampling population by age to determine which age group better suits the population studied.

Comparative to quantitative research design, qualitative design uses different forms to achieve sampling. Purposive sampling is used by selecting distinct groups of individuals who either have lived the experience or have expertise in the event or experience being studied (Brown, 2017). In this research design, studies could hand pick movie goers that have watched action movies to sample how the group feels about said experience. In addition with Theoretical sampling, is used to collect data from initial groups to analyses and identify other groups that can be added. With this sampling style, studies can take a group that has watched an action movie for the first time, determine what age groups enjoyed the movie, and determine which age group to market advertisement of the movie to. Each form of sampling can be used in many ways and is imperative to chose correct sample sizes to maximize efficacy in research.

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