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Assignment: Therapy for Clients with Personality Disorders Briefly describe the personality disorder you selected, including the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria.

Paranoid Personality Disorder belongs to a group of conditions commonly known as a “cluster A" and involves eccentric and odd ways of thinking(Vyas & Khan, 2016). In addition, people...

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Next, Briefly Explain What A Therapeutic Relationship Is In Psychiatry. Explain How You Would Share Your Diagnosis Of This Disorder With The Client To Avoid Damaging

  Therapeutic Relationship. Compare The Differences In How You Would Share Your Diagnosis With An Individual, A Family, And In A Group Session. A therapeutic connection, as defined by the PPD,...

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Explain a therapeutic approach and a modality you might use to treat a client presenting with this disorder. Explain why you selected the approach and modality, justifying their appropriateness.

Explain a therapeutic approach and a modality you might use to treat a client presenting with this disorder. Explain why you selected the approach and modality, justifying their appropriateness.
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Assignment: Therapy for Clients with Personality Disorders/NRNP 6645 Briefly describe the personality disorder you selected, including the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria.

Paranoid Personality Disorder is one of a series of diseases known as "cluster A," It is distinguished by quirky and unusual cognitive processes (Vyas & Khan, 2016). Furthermore, thos...

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Exploring Liver Damage in Hepatitis C Patients: A Case Study on Medication-Induced Injury

In many cases, Valproic acid (Depakote) is prescribed for individuals who are suffering from seizures and some psychiatric disorders. In Mike’s case, his history of severe depression is warra...

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Exploring Liver Damage in Hepatitis C Patients: A Case Study on Medication-Induced Injury

In many cases, Valproic acid (Depakote) is prescribed for individuals who are suffering from seizures and some psychiatric disorders. In Mike’s case, his history of severe depression is warra...

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Pressure ulcers NSG 502: Advanced Nursing Research: Evidence-Based Project Part III

Pressure ulcers NSG 502



Pressure ulcers can cause detrimental health effects on the patient if not prevented or managed properly....

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The effectiveness of alternating pressure air mattresses in preventing pressure ulcer incidences NSG 502 Research – Week 11

The Use of Alternating Pressure Air Mattresses to Prevent Pressure Ulcers

Pressure ulcers are serious patient safety issues in healthcare and can lead to detrimental he...

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PTSD: NRNP 6665: PMHNP Care Across the Lifespan I

NRNP 6665: PMHNP Care Across the Lifespan I



CC (chief complaint): flashbacks, involuntary memories, and n...

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Chronic illness SOAP note and clinical decision making using 2 EBP

Week 7 Signature Assignment


Patient Initials: R.T.             &...

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Pathophysiology of Asthma and Pneumonia in Pediatric Patients: A Comparative Analysis

Brian seems to have an acute exacerbation of asthma. Asthma is most common in boys prior to adolescence. Also asthma exacerbation triggers are common after bacterial or viral cold infections. Asthm...

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“I have mild itching on my scalp. The itchiness began at one focal point but it is spreading to...

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Paget Disease of the Nipple-SOAP Note

Chief Complaint (CC): “The nipple of my right breast is painful, itchy, scaly, and red. I also feel a burning sensation in the nipple area.”


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Topic 7 DQ 2 Why do you think it is important to document accommodations and interventions used with students? How might this documentation help you? The student? The parent?

It is important to document accommodations and interventions used because students will say

the teacher did not ask them if they wanted to use their accommodations. Students have to use
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Week 6: Topic 6 DQ 1 What is the difference between alternative and augmentative communication systems and assistive technology? Provide an example of each and how you will use them in your future professional practice.

The difference between alternative and augmentative communications is that augmentative

communication is used by those already with some speech but are either unintelligible or have


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