Topic 2 DQ 1 Compare two organizational readiness tools. Identify the tool you selected and explain why it is most appropriate for assessing your organization.


“The ability of non-governmental organizations, government agencies, and corporations to deliver and support the availability and use of interventions for improved global public health depends on their readiness to do so” (Dearing, 2018). The COVID-19 pandemic proved that my organization as well as many healthcare organizations were not and are not ready for such public health crisis.

What my organization experienced (the chaos and dysfunction) makes me question our organization readiness and whether we are even ready to implement my change proposal to increase more nurses. I say this because, when the pandemic began the organization was already cutting essential resources in the name of cost savings without properly conducting a cost benefit analysis. Our organization was short of qualified registered nurses and they refused to hire more nurses because they did not want to allocate the funds to do so even though they had enough money to hire more nurses.

When it comes to presenting my idea, I foresee a backlash from upper management when it comes to allocating the funds to hire more nurses. A strategy I would propose comes from the TeamSTEPPS assessment tool. One of the steps would involve conducting a “briefing for senior leaders and key stakeholders about the TeamSTEPPS program, including its purpose and goals, what’s required from an organizational perspective, and what’s required of them to make the initiative a success; making sure they are aware of what will be needed for your organization to gain the benefits from TeamSTEPPS and allow them to make an informed decision” (Agency for Healthcare Research and Qualty, 2016). There is an abundance of current research that supports having strong nurse staffing levels and my goal is to produce the data to directly links staffing levels to patient care outcomes.


Dearing, J. (2018). Organizational Readiness Tools for Global Health Intervention: A Review. Frontiers in Public Health. (6):58. Retrieved from

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). (2016). Tips and Suggestions for Enhancing Organizational Readiness. Retrieved from

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