NR 394 Week 7 Discussion: Presentation of Course Project: Part 3 SOLVED


The issue that I am addressing is Drug and Alcohol abuse. More specifically, death by drug overdoses in African American people. Drug and alcohol abuse effect many different people and cultures. In my community, there has been a significant increase in drug overdose deaths in African Americans. According to Franklin County Corners Office (2020), African Americans made up 20.9% of drug overdose deaths in 2018. I have done extensive research and discovered that the Franklin County Corners Office is overwhelmed with drug overdose deaths, they are three years behind on collecting data.

Studies show that African Americans are having an increase in drug overdose deaths.  Reasons for this vary. The community is developing a generation of children that will be without parents. In order to stop the increase of drug overdose deaths, we must educated and empower. The stigma around addiction must stop. Understanding that addiction is a disease and meeting the addict where they are is important. Not everyone is ready to become sober. By educating clients about safe needle disposal /exchange, offering Narcan, and list of treatment facilities, gives the client the information they need in order to help guide them to sobriety.

In order to reach out to the African American culture, we as nurses need to come from a place of empathy and not judgement. Asking drug abuse questions with a nonjudgmental approach is imperative to helping the person in need. Educating ourselves and understanding how drugs effect the brain can help us as nurses, and understand why the addict is an addict. To save lives we must stop the stigma and impower the people.

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