Evaluate the extent to which the INS functions as member, leader, and/or decision-maker of an Interdisciplinary and/or interprofessional team; Compare interviewee functional roles against NI functional roles Identified within the current scope and standards of informatics practice statement for the INS; Examine three nursing-informatics (NI) functional roles that the INS demonstrates in clinical practice; Summarize the link between nursing theory and nursing informatics roles; and Summarize insights gained from the interview in relationship to the INS role and practice.

Interview with NI (Nurse Informatics) Practitioner

The rate of data consumption has increased significantly in the recent past due to the rapid technological developments. Many companies are using the big data to predict the sales and make relevant decisions on various strategic performance areas. Similarly, the role of data usage and analysis in the health

care sector cannot be underestimated. Nursing informatics is the specialty that integrates the nursing sciences with various information and analytical techniques in identifying, managing and communicating the data, information and knowledge that guides nursing practice. The nursing informatics knowledge and experience allows the healthcare providers to identify areas of inefficiency in their daily operations and develop appropriate interventions. The healthcare practices are becoming more dependent on data analysis and that is why nursing informatics has gained significant interests in the recent past. An interview was conducted with a nursing informatics in one of the local healthcare centres in the region. The current paper entails the summary of the interview with an informatics nurse specialist, identify the level of interdisciplinary collaboration the INS has, outline the INS predominant functions and then identify the theories supporting the roles of the informatics nurse in the organization.

Summary of the Interview

The interview session was conducted successfully. The informatics nursing professional was friendly and willing to share much on her responsibility in the organization. The nurse recognized that the need to improve the quality of healthcare services delivered to the patients was increasing following the surging in the cases of chronic health conditions among the populations.

The informatics nurse specialist indicated that she always play an important role in the decision-making process. There are cases where healthcare institutions rely on the data on the various parameters of operation to make critical decisions. For example, in case where there are abnormal trends in the various areas of operation including the cases of readmissions within 30 days, the patients turnover, the turnaround time and the incidences of nosocomial infections among others, the informatics nursing specialist work with other healthcare providers to determine the route cause and then develop appropriate recommendations on what should be undertaken in the hospital to improve the quality of care delivered to the patients (Garcia-Dia, 2021). The nurse also indicated that informatics skills helps in the development of evidence-based practices. Healthcare institutions are constantly working to improve the patient’s experience and achieve the quadruple aim. Therefore, they develop continuous quality improvement processes with the goal of identifying inefficiencies in the current operational strategies and identify the key areas to be improved. Evidence-based practices are data driven and this means that the inquiry developed must be analysed from the informatics lane. The healthcare institutions has an electronic health record system that allows them to collect, store and make the required data readily available (Garcia-Dia, 2021). The informatics knowledge can also be used to create control charts and so this makes it easy for the hospital to identify parameters that are beyond the required limit and raise alarm. The nurse narrates a scenario where the analysis of data collected among all the patients visiting the hospital helped them in discovering the increasing rates of obesity among the teens. The data collected into the electronic health records can easily be assorted into various categories and the burden of the health issues of interest identified.

The interview also covered the scope and standards of the informatics nursing. The informatics nurse specialist work with other healthcare providers and patients in the decision-making role. The key standards of practice nursing informatics include assessment, planning, implementation, health teaching and promotion and evaluation among others. On the other hand the professional standards include ethics, quality of practice, collaboration and leadership. The informatics nurse specialists handle data from the various practitioners and this means that they must uphold confidentiality and work jointly with the other healthcare providers (Nursing informatics: Project management, 2019). .

Thirdly, the interview also captured interdisciplinary and inter-professional collaboration aspects. The nurse indicated that the advent of technology made it easy for the healthcare providers to integrate and work with

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