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Maternal healthcare is one of the determinants of the quality, safety and efficiency of health in a state. The US is one of the most developed countries in the world. It is therefore expected to ha...
Perinatal mental health problems are prevalent among varied population’s mothers despite their economic levels. According to research, a substantial body of evidence revealed that a range of ...
Ensuring that every patient is safe and free from hazards should be a priority in every hospital. Every facility should have policies to follow if the safety of patients is at risk or has been comp...
A number of strategies can be embraced to improve the quality of care, patient safety and reduce costs to the patient in the case study affected by hypertension and is pre-diabetic. One of the inte...
State board nursing practice standards dictate how nursing care is provided and the quality of care for diabetic patients. The standards guide nurses to provide standard care to patients regardless...
Assessment 2: Assessing the Problem: Quality, Safety, and Cost Considerations
In the previous assignment, I discussed client M.N, a 46-year-old African American male diagnosed with Type 2...
State board nursing practice standards can affect a patient’s management since they control how nursing care is delivered and the quality of care for diabetic patients. The practice standards...
Assessment 1: Adverse Event or Near-Miss Analysis
An adverse event refers to an injury caused by medical interventions rather than the underlying condition. It prolongs hospitalization, c...
In everyday health practice, health care practitioners and organizations work to achieve a set target. They commit their energy and resources to meet the desired levels of care quality and patient ...
Personal Statement
My interest in writing this personal statement is driven by my deep-rooted love and passion for nursing practice. Since childhood, I have always aspire...
Health organizations operate with the aim of optimizing outcomes such as safety, quality, and efficiency in addressing the needs of their organizations. Often, health organ...
As nurses we’re faced with ethical dilemmas daily. We must not confuse ethics and the actual laws surrounding this profession. Although ethics and the law are very similar and paths overlap, ...
When a person is aware of a person’s tendency to a problem or situation, it does not necessarily mean that they are motivated to take the necessary precautions unless he or she realizes that ...
The ever-increasing number of lifestyle-related health problems has prompted health workers to develop a model, theory, or intervention based on preventing and promoting an effective and efficient ...
Discuss how the theory might be used to support nursing practice (clinical, education, or administration). Include in the discussion the purpose of the practice application and how the concept of i...