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Health Promotion and Maintenance in Nursing Professional Practice
The identified priority concept for this paper is health promotion and maintenance. Content under this c...
Medication Errors in the Emergency Department
Identification of the Problem
The promotion of patient safety is a ...
Data Collection Method
Evidence-based practices are made possible through translational research where nurses collect relevant data, analyze and interpret it to make a me...
Healthcare in the United States of America is costly and for this reason citizens and companies are encouraged to take up the private insurance while individuals are encouraged to take the public i...
The Organization’s Ability to Promote Equal Opportunity and Improve the Quality of Life in The Community
In all the countries UNICEF has put its operations, its mai...
Exploring the relationship between individual scores and an overall assessment of a committee’s research is one of the main objectives of clinical researchers. This study seeks to uncover whe...
U.S. Health Care History and Foundations
Health care delivery is an evolving practice with significant developments over time. Understanding the historical developments i...
The Georgia Board of Nursing (GBN) is the legal body with the statutory authority to formulate rules that regulate and define the nursing pr...
Issues in Healthcare Reform
Significant transformations in healthcare have been witnessed in the US over the past one decade. The transformations mainly target at i...
Standardized Nursing Terminology
The nursing profession and direct/bedside nurses benefit immensely from the adoption of standardized nursing terminologies especially wit...
Ethical Decision-Making
Nurses play a critical role in promotion of patient safety and protection of patient rights through their advocacy role. Advocacy in nursing entai...
Identifying a Local Health Care Economic Issue
Health outcomes, at the organizational and national levels, depend on the practicality and productivity of health intervent...