Based on your fndings, describe at least two of the functional health pattern strengths noted in the fndings. Discuss three areas in which health problems or barriers to health were identifed. 4. Describe how family systems theory can be applied to solicit changes in family members that, in turn, initiate positive changes to the overall family functions over time.

 Family Health Assessment Part I NRS 429

Health Problems/Barriers

Various health problems and barriers were identified in the functional health patterns of Values/Health Perception, Sleep/Rest, and Coping. Barriers were identified in the Health perception-Health Management pattern since some of the family members did not consistently attend annual well check-ups. They also reported lack of consistency in self-examinations like breast and testicular exams and their immunization was not up-to-date.  Health problems were identified in the Sleep/Rest pattern like dysfunctional sleep patterns and sleep interruptions by nightmares. Mrs.Y reported having sleep disturbances in the past two years and has been prescribed sleeping pills for sleep-onset problems and early awakening. Problems identifies in the Coping pattern include ineffective ways of handling stressful issues by some of the family members. For instance, some family members have compromised coping mechanisms and impaired adjustment to life crisis that result in using stress-relieving drugs.

Application of the Family Systems Theory

The family systems theory (FST) was emanated from Bowen’s study of the family. The theory is a concept that views the family as an emotional unit. FST is a relationship system that a family demonstrates as the interlocking concepts of familial development (Erdem & Safi, 2018). Therefore, FST can be used to promote changes in family members by having the family work together to understand their group dynamic. It can also be used to help the family work better together and identify how one’s behavior affects other family members. The guiding notion is that what happens to one family member happens to all other family members (Bortz et al., 2019). If a family member develops a lifestyle condition, other family members understand that it can also happen to them. Consequently, they engage in the healthy lifestyle practices recommended to the other family member. For instance, other Family Y members engage in regular physical activities and healthy diet similar to Mr.Y since they perceive that they are also at risk of diabetes and hypertension.


The family interviewed in this assignment was family Y, an African-American family belonging to the lower-middle class. Family Y has an overall good practice and has adopted various healthy lifestyle practices. Strengths were noted in the Nutrition-Metabolic and Activity-Exercise patterns. However, health problems and barriers were identified in the Values/Health Perception, Sleep/Rest, and Coping patterns.


Bortz, P., Berrigan, M., VanBergen, A., & Gavazzi, S. M. (2019). Family systems thinking as a guide for theory integration: Conceptual overlaps of differentiation, attachment, parenting style, and identity development in families with adolescents. Journal of Family Theory & Review11(4), 544-560.

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