What can the bedside nurse or the nurse, at the point of service, do to facilitate change in effort to prevent negative occurrences and promote patient safety? What can the bedside nurse or the nurse, at the point of service, do to facilitate change in effort to prevent negative occurrences and promote patient safety? I will upload the rubric as a document. One of the reference is textbook. I will give the writer my vital source information to locate the textbook

Bedside nurses’ roles in facilitating change

Bedside nurses have proven to be more effective in ensuring the patients’ nursing care is adhered to and assigned as per the requirements of the diagnosis. Thus, bedside nurses hold a magnitude role in the healthcare sector in ensuring quality healthcare and patient outcome and their safety. Most of the time, these nurses act as a strategy 9in apprehending the main fundamentals of healthcare facilities; for instance, providing effective medication and counseling to their families to understand their conditions and know how to care for their sick family members, especially those in critical conditions. Therefore, bedside nurses provide all-around care to the patients.

Bedside nurses need to have an adequate scope of knowledge and skills in their career, especially on the caring concept, to deal with their patients and their families. Most times, the victims of such patients are their family members that need to be guided by the nurses on how to take care of their critically ill family members without giving up. Therefore, the focus is to ensure that bedside nurses understand the importance of caring for patients and improving the patient’s well-being (Kennedy,2020).

The number of bedside nurses needs to be increased to help manage the safety of the patients. Staffing and scheduling have to be critically enhanced to enable the nurses to manage the number of patients and appropriately provide their nursing care needs (Yoder-Wise et al.,2019). For instance, the nursing ratio to patient care should be observed, and more bedside nurses are scheduled for different shifts. In addition, health organizations should address bedside nursing roles as important in patient safety as this can be an effective strategy in improving the health organizations (Farokhzadian et al., 2018).


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