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The organization has several strategic partnerships with other similar organizations, including Word and Deed, which links businesses, individuals, and institutions to the organiza...
Populations: Assess the populations served by the organization or ministry.
The organization targets the vulnerable in society, including young children, the youth, the e...
Mission: Assess how the mission of the organization aligns with its strategies and work.
The organization’s mission is to advance the gospel through the provision o...
Case Scenario
Valerie’s case is about her journey of being diagnosed with schizophrenia and being treated for recovery. According to the case scenario, she developed the condition w...
SOAP NOTE: NSG 6020 Week 6
Name: K. R. Date: 2/19/2019 Time: 9:20 a.m.
Age: 25 Sex: Female
“I have a bump in my left groin”
What assessment data does the nurse find as pertinent (important) (recognize cues)?
Risk factors: Laticia Garcia, a 15-year-old female, has not rece...
The following are examples of how a student may complete a Problem‐Based Care Plan using Lippincott Advisor. These examples can be used when creating ...
Community Health Needs Assessment Report
A community health needs assessment report is a document that acts as a guideline for the health practitioners to enhance quality...
Some strengths of qualitative data methods are that the data can bring deeper meaning and insight into data. This can lead to changes in the design, administration, or interpretation of a study using ...
Some strengths of qualitative data methods are that the data can bring deeper meaning and insight into data. This can lead to changes in the design, administration, or interpretation of a study using ...
Interventions can only be proven evidence-based if they meet the necessary criteria of evaluation. The evaluation outcom...
Health Teaching
Health teaching is an element of Population-based Intervention that helps the community acquire knowledge, skills and develop interest and positive attitu...
Collaboration with LPN in Task Delegation
Collaboration in nursing practice is vital as it helps promote patient safety and better patient outcomes. In cases of emergenci...
Delegation is the process whereby a registered nurse or delegator directs another person, the delegate, to perform nursing activities and tasks involving patie...
Problem Statement
One of the most significant public health challenges in the US currently is the opioid epidemic. The opioid epidemic has therefore resulted from an...
Triage of Suspected COVID-19 Patients
The National Syndromic Surveillance Program (SSP) has the responsibility of collecting electronic health data in real-time. Followin...
Data in Healthcare
Data in healthcare organizations is crucial in maintaining quality care and patient satisfaction (Shah, 2019). Health organizations need to evaluate th...
Sampling Strategies in Research Design
Sampling is how researchers tend to identify a portion of the population to study (Turner, 2020). It is not possible to investigate...
Research is essential in solving health problems that threaten patient outcomes and safety. Most of the research designs and methods effectively assess data, ana...
Research Problem/Purpose
Abir et al. (2019) focus on the challenge of crowding, which is a significant challenge among emergency departments and will be associated with p...