Youth Sports and Physical Activity: Innovative Perspectives on the Role of Health Care Professionals


Engagement of the youths in sports and physical activities has the potential to address some of the health concerns such as obesity. However, it is also associated with negative impacts such as 2.5 million visits to the emergency department. Healthcare providers need to be involved in preventing the negative impacts of engagement in sports and physical activity among the youth. The role of care professionals in sports and physical activity will include contributing to the development of policies and regulations on sports and physical activity, providing counseling about sports, and recommending the best physical activities to engage in for their patients. Care providers can also provide training to the sports coaches on safety measures in sports to prevent the negative impacts that lead to emergency department visits. The involvement of care providers in sports is also likely to increase awareness about the importance of sports and lead to increased engagement in sports among the youths (Spengler et al., 2019).

Adolescent use of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) (2018)

The use of ENDS has been steadily increasing in the US despite the efforts to curb nicotine smoking and addiction. One of the major misconceptions among the youths is that ENDS are safer than traditional tobacco products, contributing to the increased usage of these products. However, research has shown that ENDS negatively impacts the body systems; for example, the flavors used can lead to bronchiolitis obliterans, among other conditions. If the nicotine is ingested, it can lead to toxicity affecting the cardiovascular, central nervous, and pulmonary systems (Vincent et al., 2018).



Bushaw, A. (2019). Call for action: Addressing obesity in early childhood. The Nurse Practitioner44(9), 11-14.

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