PHN 690- Topic 1 DQ 2: Standards of Public Health Nursing Practice

Standards of nursing practice provide guidelines for nursing performance and entail rules of what it means to provide competent care. I agree that implementation, evaluation, and population diagnosis and priorities are among the components within the PHN standards. Implementation entails taking action on the identified plan by partnering with others. Moreover, implementation incorporates other components such as health promotion and health education, regulatory activities, and consultation, which are crucial in implementing a plan (ANA, 2008).

Your example on population diagnoses and priorities for the influx of Afghans into the country relates quite well with your practicum setting, the Heartland National TB Center, and its goals and objectives. Population diagnoses and priorities involve analyzing assessment data and the needs of a population to determine the diagnoses and priorities. According to Phares et al. (2022), the prevalence of TB in Afghanistan is relatively high, and there is an influx of Afghans into the country. These immigrants and refugees are most likely to have contracted or been in contact with people that tested positive for TB, which increases the risk of transmission to the community. Establishing rapport and using translators is a good move to allow for community engagement, allowing for proper population diagnoses and priorities.

Another component within the PHN standards that could be instrumental in this plan is outcomes identification. This component requires the PHN to identify anticipated outcomes for a plan centered on population diagnoses and priorities (ANA, 2008). The team should use their clinical knowledge and experience to determine plan outcomes after creating a rapport and collaborating with the healthcare consumer or the Afghans. This will help in providing individualized care and delineate what is to be accomplished and by when. Moreover, increased cooperation and involvement of the Afghans in the care process will help measure your plan’s effectiveness and help reduce further transmission and risk to others.

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