The Forms and Effects of Being Bullied


We are aware of what traditional bullying looks like, but bullying comes in many forms, and the effects are still just as damaging. Truth be told any form of harassment from traditional bullying to cyberbullying can cause physical, emotional, psychological pain and distress. Cyberbullying is new, but it can cause anger, fear, shame, guilt, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem/self-confidence in its victims, just like traditional bullying. Some children even experience physical ailments, such as headaches or migraines, stomachaches, and high blood pressure due to bullying. Children, tweens, and teens are often the recipients of bullying (both in the real world and online), adults can also be bullied, especially with the explosion of social media. In a similar fashion, children, adolescents, and adults can also be bullies themselves. Adults often experience bullying from other adults. According to a recent study found that approximately 31% of Americans have been bullied as an adult. This bullying primarily happens in the workplace but can also happen in social groups. As mentioned, cyberbullying, cyberstalking, and trolling fall under the umbrella of bullying and is done through technology such as the internet, in chat rooms, and other forums on social media. The goal of the bully is to force someone to submit to her. In other words, it’s a power move that arises for a variety of reasons. For instance, some bullies mistreat other children because they are being abused or neglected at home. Others may bully due to peer-influences and wanting to be liked, and respected. Some do it because they are jealous, have learned the behavior from others, or have some form of mental illness. Bullying is one of the main issues affecting children and young people today. It’s talked about on the news, on TV shows, in academic literature, and by policymakers on a regular basis. It is still a statistically significant trend, and a cause for concern.

Factors Influencing Bullying

Peer-Influence is when you choose to do something you wouldn't otherwise do, because you want to feel accepted and valued by your friends. Sometimes our peers can have more influence over our behavior due to wanting to fit in. Adolescents within a clique will pressure their peers to participate in bullying. This bullying can include everything from leaving mean notes, name-calling to sabotaging another person in order to be accepted.

Accountability accepting responsibility for your actions, choices, and behaviors. Sometimes bullying occurs when parents are too nonrestrictive or lack established rules. Giving your child a set of guidelines regarding everything from schoolwork and outside activities to respect, to digital etiquette and time spent online. Also, be sure the adolescent knows what will happen if they don’t follow the rules. For example, if the adolescent cyberbullies other kids, he will lose his internet privileges. Or, if he engages in peer bullying, he will be punished. When determining how to discipline your child for bullying, it is important to be sure the consequences are in line with the severity of the offense.

Depression is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Bullying and depression often go hand in hand and can leave your child with bruises that will eventually heal, but there can be lasting effects of bullying that can really wreak havoc on your child’s life way into their teenage years. Depression is one of those side-effects that can cause serious long-term problems from being the victim of bullying.

Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death. Sometimes depression and suicide can go hand in hand when it comes to bullying and can cause a wide range of issues, and in extreme circumstances, could lead to suicide. Suicide is devastating to not only the person that commits the act, but to their family as well, but bullies tend not to understand the damages that their actions may cause to others.

Peer Victimization the action of singling someone out for cruel or unjust treatment. Peer victimization includes being bullied and experiences of being the target of physical, social, emotional, or psychological harm from a peer. According to studies in both the U.S. and other countries, children who are bullied by their peers are lonelier and unhappier, have greater difficulty making friends and have more health problems than their non-bullied peers.  

Socioeconomic-Status is the social standing or class of an individual or group. It is often measured as a combination of education, income and occupation. Bullies exists in all socioeconomic groups and

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