Analysis of The Cause and Effect of School Violence Violence in schools (essay)


School violence is a pervasive issue affecting students, teachers, and the larger community. The cause and effect of school violence essay aims to explore the factors that contribute to violent behavior in schools, as well as the impact of school violence individuals and society as a whole. Ultimately, addressing the root causes of school violence is crucial to creating safe and supportive learning environments for all students.

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There are several causes result in school violence. Although violence in school takes place in many areas on the world, not many people know about the roots of this issue. The causes of school violence are divided into two main factors: subjective factors (using drugs and alcohol, poor education, personality) and objective factors (family, community and media).

Firstly, subjective factors related to character and knowledge. The teenager often has bad behavior when they abuse of drugs or alcohol. Illegal substances contain a lot of materials that bring negative effects on their brain. They can make consumers do something uncontrollably and unreasonably. Moreover, they are angry easily whenever they see another person. Therefore, using drug or alcohol when they still go to school can result in school violence. Besides, the lack of education also leads to thinking wrong direction of bullying. They are usually impolite and rude in the way of their behavior. In addition, people who have poor education tend to delinquency because they do not have knowledge about laws. Another reason which can make a person or a team is likely to attack another person is personality traits. Their personal characteristics affect their activities in most situations. The shortage of confident and communication skill result in a person feel distance from their peers. Basically, students make a noise and abuse of violence to draw attention. However, it causes only bad their impression for other people.

The second is environment that impacts on bullying in school. The family has an important role in people’s life. Nowadays, instead of spending time on caring children, parents are busy with their jobs. Hence, teenagers do not have soft skills learned only in family and feel so lonely. Furthermore, children usually model what they see so if kids grow up in family of the community of violence they can be influenced and do the same. This issue will develop into school violence sooner or later. The risk also comes from violence media. The influence of violent games or television programs is remarkable if children watch in long times. They are attracted and imitate characters in games/ television programs. Many researchers indicate that on the average, children spend 28 hours to watch TV a week include more than 812 violent actors on television programs and 20 violent acts showed in cartoons per hour. This leads to physical force of children in school.

School violence occurs in many countries on the world with huge consequences. Any instance of crime or violence at school not only affects the individuals involved but also may disrupt the educational process and affect bystanders, the school itself, and the surrounding community (Bidwell, 2014). Victims can bear physical injury in short term but the mental injury is long term.

The first harm of violence in school is suffering in terms of body in some days or some week. Violence casualties could be hit, kicked or thrown down on the ground at the low level. This situation does not end immediately, it least many days after thrashing. Even, at high level, they could be killed by weapons. At the moment, families of people who died are indirect victims regard to mental injury.

Secondly, students could impact on their mental health by school violence. According to Hawker and Boulton (2000), the effect sizes were calculated for the association between peer victimization and each form of maladjustment (depression, loneliness, generalized and social anxiety, and global and social self-worth) assessed. The results suggested that victimization is most strongly related to depression, and least strongly related to anxiety. There was no evidence that victimization is more strongly related to social than to psychological forms of maladjustment. These pains in mental have long term effect. Moreover, when no one is willing to help victims, they are more and more pessimistic because they must face with lonely. Victims will express some symptoms of depression like loss sleep and unsociable. When not dealing with problem, they tend to suicide to stop their suffering.

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