NUR-550 Evidence-Based Practice Project: Evaluation of Literature Table


In individuals from low socioeconomic status and poor educational levels suffering from alcohol use disorder (AUD) (P), does offering behavioral treatments and coordinated care with other providers (I) compared to non-interventions (C) lead to improvement in handling of alcohol withdrawal systems and treatment of alcohol use disorder (O) within 12 months (T)?


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Author, Journal (Peer-Reviewed), and Permalink or Working Link to Access Article 
Article Title and Year Published



Research Questions/ Hypothesis, and Purpose/Aim of Study



Design (Quantitative, Qualitative, or other)






Methods: Intervention/ Instruments



Analysis/Data Collection



Outcomes/Key Findings






Explanation of How the Article Supports Your Proposed EBP Practice Project Proposal
Ray, L. A., Grodin, E. N., Leggio, L., Bechtholt, A. J., Becker, H., Feldstein Ewing, S. W., … & Koob, G. F.


Addiction biology, 26(2), e12903.


The future of translational research on alcohol use disorder




The purpose of this review was to discuss ways that stakeholders can implement to speed up the translation of neurobiological insights in advancing the treatment of alcohol use disorder (AUD). The review also identifies the present landscape in AUD treatment, development efforts in AUD treatment from a translational perspective, and barriers to treatment development. The study method deployed is qualitative since the authors use existing literature to review the topic of treatment interventions for AUD and the current development. The article’s setting is a conference or scientific meeting where participants make discussions on the way to use translational research in development of AUD treatment models. The intervention is that scientists and practitioners should develop and deploy models of translational science in public health, especially in clinical care and population health for AUD. The should bolster application of their research findings to fasten the translation of knowledge into patient care. The study does not involve collection of data but analyzes existing translational research models for effective application in a host of settings. The study finds that transitional research models can help stakeholders develop new AUD treatment interventions and translate the knowledge to patient care. The study recommends that all stakeholders should consider the importance of translational research in development of treatment interventions for AUD. The article supports the EBP practice project proposal by showing the significance of translational research in development of treatment interventions. The article is also important as it shows how translation of knowledge to patient care will help practitioners have better outcomes.
Cheng, H. Y., McGuinness, L. A., Elbers, R. G., MacArthur, G. J., Taylor, A., McAleenan, A., … & Kessler, D


BMJ, 371



Treatment interventions to maintain abstinence from alcohol in primary care: systematic review and network meta-analysis



Determine t

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