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Ethical Consideration of Restraints on Children/Adolescents -ETHICAL AND LEGAL FOUNDATIONS OF PMHNP CARE

Physical restraint used for children and adolescents in mental health facilities requires particular ethical and legal consideration, it is often used as a reactive behavior management strategy for...

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NRS-451 Organizational Culture and Values Introduction & Purpose of the Presentation

Organizational culture and values are critical components that allow nurses to deliver care to patients. Organizational culture is based on values, norms and practices that the management uses to d...

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NRS-451 Organizational Culture and Values Introduction & Purpose of the Presentation

Organizational culture and values are critical components that allow nurses to deliver care to patients. Organizational culture is based on values, norms and practices that the management uses to d...

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Why is the concept of family health important? Consider the various strategies for health promotion. How does a nurse determine which strategy would best enable the targeted individuals to gain more control over, and improve, their health?

Understanding the structure of families and family health enables the nurse to see beyond the individual patient. Viewing the family as a whole provides perspective to the nurse on how to best prom...

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Discuss why understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in health promotion is important to achieving the desired outcome. How do learning styles ultimately affect the possibility for a behavioral change? How would different learning styles be accommodated in health promotion?

Preferred learning styles are all about the best learning method that is advantageous to the learner through allowing for satisfying and thorough understanding of the education content. For individ...

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Describe how individual learning styles affect the degree to which a learner can understand or perform educational activities. Discuss the importance of an educator identifying individual learning styles and preferences when working with learners.

Describe how individual learning styles affect the degree to which a learner can understand or perform educational activities. Discuss the importance of an educator identifying individual l...

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. Describe how family systems theory can be applied to solicit changes in family members that, in turn, initiate positive changes to the overall family functions over time. Family systems theory and application of the same

. Describe how family systems theory can be applied to solicit changes in family members that, in turn, initiate positive changes to the overall family functions over time.


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3. Describe at least two of the functional health pattern strengths noted in the findings. Discuss three areas in which health problems or barriers to health were identified. Functional health strengths and health problems

3. Describe at least two of the functional health pattern strengths noted in the findings. Discuss three areas in which health problems or barriers to health were identified.


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1. Describe the family structure. Include individuals and any relevant attributes defining the family composition, race/ethnicity, social class, spirituality, and environment. Family structure

Health care for an individual is significant in determining how he or she maintains their overall personality. Assessment through correct parameters ensures proper evaluation and then subsequent so...

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NUR 630 Benchmark – Hospital-Associated Infections Data Presentation’s Outline

Regardless of size, resources, and other factors, health care facilities should consistently pursue high performance. Quality measures guide hospitals in evaluating performance and determining the ...

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