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Nursing is often portrayed as a glamorous job and a career that many aspire to pursue. Like any other profession, a career in nursing has rewards and challenges. Nurses have the opportunity every d...
In a situation in which there is a shortage of the nursing workforce, the role of the nurse manager becomes very important. This is because patient safety must remain a priority at all times. As su...
Each student must submit 1 original posting without plagiarism , Use the APA style essay must have a minimum of 200
The role of Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) has change...
EBP: Implications for Nursing Practice
EBP uses the latest evidence to drive change to patient care policies and procedures to optimize patient outcomes (Brower & Nemec, 2017). A prop...
Please read below for more information.
Academic nursing research is crucial to providing quality nursing care because it gives the foundation for evidence-based pract...
Case Study 1 1.) Define hypoglycemia. What are hypoglycemic blood glucose values in an adult? Hypoglycemia: Low blood glucose level that results from too much insulin, not enough food, or excess ac...
The FEMA Website is useful for Public Health Nurse Disaster Management. Faith-Based Community Preparedness can plan for potential emergencies such as fires, tornadoes, floods, hur...
Section 2. Nursing theory
Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring is best aligned with my personal philosophy of nursing practice and approaches to patient care. The t...
Section 3. How personal worldview and nursing theory assist development of future practice
My personal worldview and nursing theory are instrumental in helping me to deve...
Nursing theory in line with personal worldview
I believe that the Theory of Human Caring as presented by Jean Watson best aligns with my personal worldview. As a Christia...
Worldview and nursing process personal statement
Description of my personal worldview
My personal worldview are the principles that guide my decisions and life....
Nutrition of the elderly is an important area of nursing care and should not be taken lightly. It is important in nursing care to assess patients nutrition, as if taken care of it can optimize the ...
The purpose of this literature review is to research the topic of nutrition of the elderly, and to discuss my findings. I will be researching this subject using tools such as athens, and using webs...
Each state is free to impose its criteria on nurses working in its medical institutions. The Board of Nursing, a branch of the state government, is responsible for creating these rules. The nursing...
Breast cancer diagnosis
Many benefits come with joining a nursing school. One of the main reasons I joined the nursing school is that I wanted to understand breast cancer diagnosis (Bonsu, 2...
1.) What forms of verbal and nonverbal communication did the nurse use incorrectly?Therapeutic Communication Essay
2.) What would you do differently?
3.) How does therapeutic co...
Culture of Inquiry
which negates the idea of ultimate truth. Felder (2012) provides a very clear meaning ofconstructivist education when he says constructivism (aka learner-centered...
Diagnosis and Rationale
The possible diagnosis for the patient includes Crohn disease, hepatitis C, irritable bowel disease or intestinal obstruction. These conditions ar...