Incorporate interprofessional perspectives related to the success of actions used in the QI initiative as they relate to functionality and outcomes. Recommend additional indicators and protocols to improve and expand outcomes of a current quality initiative

Additional Indicators and Protocol to Improve Quality Outcome To successfully implement a QI initiative clinicians and nursing staff need to be educated and trained to improve outcomes related to pressure ulcers. Setting educational and skills trainingto established protocols and guidelines to the QI initiative at KPNC hospitals will ensure a successful initiative.  Educate all staff including critical care physicians, clinicians, nursing and support staff about the QI initiative and its expected patient outcomes” (Hanna-Bull, 2016).  Physicians, clinicians and nursing staff attend lectures and education programs related to pressure ulcer prevention and staging (Cox, Roche & Gandhi, 2013).  Critical care physicians, clinicians and nursing staff attend training for handling and use of pressure redistribution mattresses (Cox, Roche & Gandhi, 2013).  “Ensure adequate inventory and ready availability of protective barriers in all patient floors and emergency rooms” (Hanna-Bull, 2016). QI initiatives require strict adherence and reporting to evaluate its success. Quality improvement initiatives have been found to be most effective in prevention of pressure ulcers. In addition, these programs have helped reduce costs within a healthcare facility. In a QI initiative indicated an estimated 23.5 percent decline in HAPUs in a four-year period and cost savings of more than $10 billion between 2010 and 2014 (Averill, Hughes, Fuller, & Goldfield, 2016, p.552). Conclusion QI initiatives deem to be successful when incidence rates decrease. If a QI initiative is to be successful it will require a collaborative team approach, education and training. A successful QI initiative at KPNC regional hospitals depends on the entire clinical and nursing staff utilization of proposed protocols to address pressure ulcer prevention

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