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Nurse-to-Patient Ratio and Acuity-Based Staffing Model Research Paper

The ABSM is not a new concept in nursing; according to Vortherms, Spoden, and Wilcken (2015), it has been used for quite a while as the means of addressing staffing issues in the acute care environ...

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Staffing Model Paper for a 30-bed Acute Inpatient Unit SOLUTION


The issue of lean staffing models in healthcare has been canvassed largely by various literature on the matter. In this matter, the principal objective is to identify a scenario ...

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DNP-815A Topic 1 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory that you will use to guide your DNP Project

Identification, research, teaching, and communication are very crucial in treating and managing a disease condition hence the nursing process guides the nurse in the care and management of the pati...

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DNP-815A Connecting Nursing Theory and Evidence-Based Change Models

Routinely, nurses encounter patients with varying needs, concerns, and attitudes to care. Despite the impacts of these variables on patient care, nurses must continually identify opportunities for ...

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 DNP-815A Topic 3 DQ 2 Select one of the articles in which the development of a middle range theory is the major focus of the paper


In recent years, evidence-based practice has formed the backbone of nursing practice and has been integral in improving patient outcomes. With evidence-based practice as the basis,...

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DNP-815A Topic 3 DQ 1 Compare and contrast a minimum of two middle range theories

Nursing was first introduced to theories in the 1970s. During this era, they were primarily based on the definition of nursing practice. Scholars later noticed that the gran theories lacked proposi...

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