How the role as the DNP-prepared nurse represents a function of quality and safety for nursing practice and healthcare delivery. Be specific and provide examples.


Before responding to this question. I had to reflect on my professional journey, healthcare gaps noted in patient outcomes and leadership practices, advance technology of interest that can educate and improve patient outcomes, and development of professional nursing skill sets required to meet a need.

After careful reflection and experiences, the DNP-prepared nurse will represent a function of quality and safety for nursing practice and healthcare delivery through involvement, collaboration, and networking with other team leaders, thus giving one a sense of confidence in creating those forums that will elicit needed conversations and participation in promoting change. For example, the organizational, economic and leadership skills of a DNP-prepared nurse can position one to become the voice of change at the executive level. Becoming an HCO board member can lead those processes that will promote a systems-based approach to quality and safe clinical practice (Sigma Repository, 2020).

As a DNP-prepared nurse, my goal would be to advocate for those changes that will improve quality outcomes by (1) creating an environment of recruitment and retention of competent staff, (2) promoting a mindset and culture for learning and innovativeness, (3) establishing expert skills that focuses on evaluating, translating, and disseminating research into practice for the benefit and improvement of patient outcomes, and (4) leading change through advocacy of health care policy that promote quality and patient safety.

For example, selecting a Virtual reality – Second Life advance technology system to establish an education program that will educate staff on research, implementation, and evaluation of those evidence-based practices that will improve quality and promote safety.

Sigma Repository. (2020). The expert role of the DNP prepared nurse impacting healthcare systems: Bench to bedside, classroom to boardroom. Retrieved from

Great Post. I agree with you that the DNP prepared nurse is great position to function as an change agent. Our expanded body of knowledge provided us the the ability to make changes not only from an superficial level, but from a executive stand point.  With a foundation and understanding of evidence based- practice we can improve education, re-vamp policy and procedures, and stand in the gap of knowledge deficits.  The sources of data for quality improvement are vast.  Key factors to consider are the reason why a change in need and how will this change make the environment better for the staff and the patients.  In an article by Cleveland and Smith (2019) they discuss how nurse usually respond to change innovative and professional responsibility.  DNP nurses will continue to transform health care and stakeholders understand of quality care initiatives.  It is a great time for DNP nurses to use their knowledge base to engage in disciplinary perspectives, patient/staff advocacy, advanced policy research and continuum of evidence based and patient centered outcomes (Cleveland &Smith, 2019).



Cleveland, K., Motter, T., & Smith, Y. (2019). Affordable care: Harnessing the power of nurses. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing24(2).

Nash, D. B., Joshi, M., Ransom, E. R., & Ransom, S. B. (2019). Overview of Healthcare quality. In The healthcare quality book: Vision, strategy, and tools (p. 33). essay, Washington, DC.

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