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A nurse manager ensures that everything functions as intended regardless of whether one is managing a division, unit or service line. As a result, a nurse manager has the responsibilities of qualit...
“Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out” (Stephen Covey). Leadership style is a leader’s behavioral approach to in...
Men in western countries have much higher rates of prostate cancer than men in Asia, while no one can explain this phenomenon, experts suspect differences in eastern and western diets are to blame....
Cancer is a puzzling and frightening disease or set of diseases. Cancer has afflicted multicellular living being for mor...
Prostate cancer risk rises with age, mainly after the age of 50. Older people diagnosed with prostate cancer face unique challenges, especially concerning the treatment of prostate cancer. Wh...
Life is a valuable bounty, but each day can feel like a diversion of Russian...
The disclosure and nondisclosure of information in numerous circumstances, like healthcare and busine...
A solid therapeutic association forms the foundation of clinical interv...
Personality and paraphilic disorders are a subject of controversy active in mental health. Personality diseases are dist...
From the presented symptoms of the patient, it can be conc...
From the presented symptoms of the patient, it can be conc...
Aging is a distinguishing factor impacting the pharmacological and pharmacokinetic properties of drugs. Aging is accountable for minimizing the body’s homeostatic capacity by reforming the st...
In the field of healthcare, patient prefe...
In the field of healthcare, patient preferences and decision-making have emanated as paramount factors in attaining better health outcomes, making it vital to interrogate the methods in which they ...
As healthcare prevails to progress, the role of genetics and gen...
Variable expression of a genetic attribute is the variability in how a gene is expressed in distinct individuals, even if they carry the same gene mutation. In cases of autosomal dominant polycysti...
Variable expression of a genetic attribute is the variability in how a gene is expressed in distinct individuals, even if they carry the same gene mutation. In cases of autosomal dominant polycysti...
As healthcare prevails to progress, the role of genetics and gen...