Case Assignment For this assignment, you will learn about Lanesha Johnson, whose case story is available at Listen to the Lecture and review the Learning Activity #1 Write a paper that addresses the following: From a cultural perspective, is it unusual that Grandmother Marietta is the primary caregiver? Discuss the ways in which Lanesha, Grandma Marietta, and Hannah Healthcare approach this situation from totally different perspectives. How does Lanesha’s temperament affect the situation? What responsibilities do health care providers have in this situation?

Cross-Cultural Health Perspectives

Health, Culture, and Identity

There has been a developing awareness among most healthcare providers on the issue of culture and the need for healthcare providers to develop the appropriate skills necessary to respond to the diverse health needs of society. Clients’ cultural backgrounds and demographic changes have become a concern in healthcare provision today since practitioners interact with clients with whom they do not share the same cultural perspectives and assumptions on matters related to diseases and health (Falicov et al., 2020). In many cases, healthcare providers have minimal knowledge of a client’s beliefs on health experience and how to manage illnesses. This essay will explore the case of Lanesha Johnson, look at her grandmother as the primary caregiver, look at how Lanesha and the family approach the situation from different perspectives, look at the effect of Lanesha’s temperament on the situation and finally look at responsibilities of healthcare on Lanesha’s situation.

Lanesha’s Grandmother, as Primary Caregiver

It is not unusual for Lanesha’s grandmother Marietta to be the primary caregiver for Lanesha. Culturally, grandMothers take care of their grandchildren not only in African-Americans but also in other communities they do take care of their grandchildren. A critical proportion of African-American children, represented by 12%, live with their grandparents, and 3.6% and 5.8% of Caucasian and Latino children, respectively, live with their grandparents (Wang et al., 2021), and it is believed to have a heartfelt influence, and despite the situation, there is a requirement for the family to be together. Factors contributing to children living with their grandmothers include the death of their parents and neglect (Gordon, 2018). When a parent gets jailed or has a mental disorder, the grandparent takes care of the children and this can also be seen in cases where a parent gets involved in drug abuse and can no longer take care of the child, Grandparents have a crucial role in the life of their grandchildren, and they deserve the best out of the best.

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