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Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that affects a significant percentage of the population globally. The diagnosis of ADHD is largely made during the early childhood stage ...
Asthma is a long-term inflammatory disease characterized by spasm attacks in the lung bronchi, making it hard to breathe. The condition is mainly associated with a slow and c...
The proposed nursing intervention for this capstone project is the implementation of preceptorship and residency programs to enhance critical thinking, communication, practical, and technical skill...
The proposed nursing practice intervention is the significance of patient education throughout their hospital stay and their understanding of it before and after discharge on a medical-surgical flo...
The identified evidence-based topic for the capstone project change proposal is the management of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) among medical-surgical patients. Urinary tract...
Nurse informatics possess diverse skills and expertise that spread across a wide range of sub-specialties. Nurse informatics skills are essential in systems development and implementation, clinical...
The implementation of the capstone change project in the nursing home will require a host of resources; both human and material resources that include financial. The intervention is about implement...
Topic 8 DQ 1
My experience with hospice services is that it is considered to be comfort measures. Converting her current dose of morphine ER 30mg BID would yield a Fentanyl 25mcg patch Q3 days. For breakthrough...
Part 4 Her pain is not being adequately controlled with the hydrocodone and now she has a new diagnosis of metastatic ovarian cancer and sleep disturbances. I would not recommend a sedative-hypnoti...
Part 3 This patient is complaining of shoulder pain after surgery. This would indicate to me that she had a laparoscopic procedure. The most common issues with laparoscopic surgeries are referred p...
Part 2 After the surgery she was placed on a patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) pump because there were most likely concerns of swallowing issues which could lead to aspiration, especially in the e...
Opioid Case Discussion Part 1 Currently this 72-year-old woman is having pain rated as a 4 on a scale from 0 to 10. Her current medication list does not include any pain medications. “The Ame...