Section: Assignment 2: Digital Clinical Experience (DCE): Health History Assessment Week 4                 Shadow Health Digital Clinical Experience Health History Documentation




Chief Complaint (CC): “I got a scrape on my foot a while ago, and I thought it would heal up on its own, but now it’s looking pretty nasty. And the pain is killing me!”

History of Present Illness (HPI): Ms. Jones claimed that one week ago, she was walking on stairs outside when she tripped and fell, causing her right ankle to twist and the ball of her foot to scrape. She went to the emergency room of the nearby hospital, where she received negative results from the x-rays and was given tramadol for the pain she was experiencing. She has been cleaning the wound twice. She has been treating the wound with an antibiotic medication and bandaging it. She adds that the pain and swelling in her ankle have subsided, but that the bottom of her foot is becoming increasingly uncomfortable. She describes the pain as throbbing and sharp when she is forced to bear weights. She reports that her ankle “ached” but it is better now. After taking the most recent dose of tramadol, the level of pain has decreased to a 7 out of 10. The degree of pain when bearing weight is a 9. She says that the ball of foot has become swelled and more red over the previous two days and that yesterday, she noticed discharge pouring from the wound. She also says that the swelling has gotten worse. She claims that there is no smell coming from the wound. Her shoes appear to be too small. She has been seen wearing shoes that are without laces. Last night, she reported a temperature of 102. She denies recent illness. An increased appetite is reported alongside with an accidental weight loss of ten pounds that occurred over the course of the month. Denies making any changes to their diet or amount of physical activity.

Medications: Acetaminophen 500 to 1000 mg PO as needed (headaches). Ibuprofen 600 mg PO twice daily as needed (menstrual cramps). Tramadol 50 mg PO BID prn (foot pain). Albuterol 90 mcg/spray MDI 2 puffs Q4H prn (Wheezing while neat cats, most recent administration: three days ago)


Allergies: Rash caused by penicillin, Allergic to cats and dust but not food or latex sensitivities. She claims that being among allergens causes her to experience runny nose, itchy and swollen eyes, and an increase in the severity of her asthma symptoms.


Past Medical History (PMH): At the age of 2 and a half, the asthma was identified. When she is in an environment with cats or dust, she utilizes the albuterol inhaler that she carries with her. Two of three times a week, she makes use of her inhaler. Three days ago, she was around cats, and she had to use her inhaler once to get some respite from the symptoms that were bothering her. Her last asthma related hospitalization was when she was in high-school. Never had an intubation. Diabetes type 2 was discovered at the age of 24. She had been taking Metformin in the past but stopped doing so three years ago, citing the fact that the drugs caused her to have gas and that “it was stressful taking pills and testing my sugar”. She does not keep an eye on her sugar levels. In the hospital’s emergency room, the patient’s sugar levels were high the week before last. No surgeries. Hematologic: Acne has been a problem for her ever since she hit adolescence and she also gets bumps on the backs of her arms if her skin is dry. Complains of a darkening of the skin on her neck as well as an increase in the hair on her face and body. She has noted that she has a few moles, but no noticeable alterations to her hair or nails.


Past Surgical History (PSH): No history of past surgery.


Sexual/Reproductive History: Menarche, age 11. First sexual experience at the age of 18, which encounters were with men, and the individual identifies as straight. Never pregnant. It’s been three weeks since her last menstruation. During the last year, her menstrual period has been quite erratic, occurring every 4-6 weeks and she has had heavy bleeding that lasts 9-10 days. She does not have a partner currently. She used oral contraceptives when she was younger. She claims that she did not use condoms when she was sexually active. Never had an HIV/AIDS test done. No record of previous sexually transmitted infections or signs of STIs. When she was last teste, four years have elapsed.


Personal/Social History: Never married and does not have any children. Since the age of 20, has lived on her own, and since her father passed away a year ago, they now share a home with their mother and a sister in a single family dwelling in

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