You will complete a review of a peer-reviewed article from a scholarly journal. Select an article that is related to the assessment of students with special needs. This may be in any area of special education or specific to the Response to Intervention (RTI) model. Your article must be no more than five years old.

Article Review on assessment of a student with special needs
Children with special needs still require attention to fit into the mainstream education system. The dilemma that most educationists face is the constant changing of the students’ needs. The education system is meant to showcase equality and access to knowledge. The difference in ethnicity, age, and abilities are areas that educationists look towards improving to ensure every student going through the system is comfortable for the long term. An interview of teachers cites their independence in assessing students with special needs since they are trained in human psychology and can help them achieve academic excellence. The challenge for the students with special needs is the mentally challenged or ADHD, whose prognosis is more prevalent and susceptible to suggestion.

Synthesis of main points
The challenge with students with special needs is the specific problems they might have in the classroom. According to (Hussu & Strle, 2010), deliberate research shows that teachers are reasonably capable of assessing students’ academic progress with special needs. The basic training of teachers is passing on knowledge to students and helping them be better members of society. Whether the students have disabilities or not, the teacher training conceptualizes equality for everyone since the classroom environment should be neutral. The long-term vision in assessing students with special needs is integrating them with other students and creating a neutral environment for all the students.
The predicted time scale for teaching is based on the number and activities involved in the program’s undertakings but based on previous patterns, the session is likely to last between one to two hours, all activities included. The children are provided detailed handouts that summarize why disease prevention is essential and ways to keep themselves safe from diseases. The rationale for the topic is based on the fact that several preventive measures among children help prevent certain diseases. The concepts of risk assessment and risk management are fundamental in preventing and controlling risks related to health and the safety of children. Washing hands for children with effective detergents and running water has been impactful in reducing respiratory tract infections.
The research further shows that over 100 teachers submitted their views on their experiences with assessing students with disabilities. Students who could be assessed easily include students with hearing impairment, visual impairment, and physical impairment. Looking at the pool of students and teachers, the normalcy with which the classroom environment is cultivated is enough to show the effectiveness of the assessment (Hussu & Strle, 2010). Most teachers refer to their training as the pillar through which they can get all the students learning. Assessing students with hearing and visual impairment is easy since there are curriculums with specifications that direct them on how to handle them.
Emotional readiness.
The teaching model takes a holistic approach where teaching is not wholly based on just what happens in the classrooms. The inclusion of formative methods leads to a more holistic approach to evaluation. This evaluation is based on the learning procedure’s effectiveness to the children as concerned with disease prevention and not regarding the instructors’ teaching capabilities (Hussu & Strle, 2010). In regards to health prevention, the children are prepared to take on everything health-related. This is noticed through the participation of both the practical means of prevention and the perspectives.
In any study, emotional preparation is of importance. Knowledge has it that modifiable factors in a child’s early experience can significantly affect their learning trajectory. Community-based programs should prepare to learn among children an outcome measure for community-based programs such as health prevention. In this line, they can learn and master the aspects concerning the issues surrounding their health and its effects on the community. In this case, the students are prepared based on the number of infectious disease cases, their observable symptoms in the community, and the various preventive measures to reduce the disease’s impact. For children’s successful learning to occur right from the start, the pediatricians’ role is essential right from the start.
The purposes for teaching are individual and community-based. For every child, it is vital to learn that their health is dependent on how they take care of themselves. Basic health practices are essential for the well-being of their bodies. The more significant impact lies in the community, where there is a reduction in reported health incidences. The community becomes more aware of the e

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