you will be writing a 1,000-1,250-word essay describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice. To complete this assignment, do the following: 1) Select an issue from the following list: nursing shortage and nurse turn-over, nurse staffing ratios, unit closures and restructuring, use of contract employees (i.e., registry and travel nurses), continuous quality improvement and patient satisfaction, and magnet designation.


The nursing profession is not an easy profession by any means. It requires continue
motivation and commitment to continue as a nurse. It won’t be incorrect to say that this
profession requires strategic thinking by leaders. This profession definitely requires and not
managers. People can self-manage themselves, likewise nurses can manage themselves but they
require a support form leaders.
This paper would analyze the approaches and strategies of leaders towards the nursing
issue of nursing shortage and nurse turn over. Many experts have believed that nurses are in short
supply for both public and private health clinics and hospitals. One of the reasons for this
problem is that not many people want to pursue nurses as a career. This issue is a big issues and
the time has come when leaders and managers should look for ways to fix this issue. Indeed the
time has come when the traditional approach of hiring for nurses may not work. The top
management at hospitals should act like true leaders and work to inculcate the feeling of
motivation among nurses.


The selected issue, ‘nursing shortage and nurse turnover’ should be approached in
following manner:
The first thing first, this problem would continue till the time leaders won’t step
themselves in the shoes of nurses. The point is that, to solve any issues of nursing shortage,
leaders must see the problem from the eyes of nurses (Gould, 2011/). It means that the leaders
and managers must try to identify the underlying reasons for nursing shortage. The superfluous

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analysis would not work at this stage. The leaders and managers should perform the RCA (Root
Cause Analysis) of the problem. The nursing leaders should at least try to get the answer of
following questions:
 What do nurses want from their profession? How do nurses want their careers to
 Why do nurses leave the profession? Is it the pressure of work or anything else?

The issues should be approached in a more scientific way. For example the aim of the
managers and leaders should be to match the expectations of nurses. Motivation and commitment
is two biggest things that can have an influence on the life of nurses. Many experts have believed
that nurses would continue to work unless they are motivated. The leaders must work to find out
the way by which nurses would remain satisfied. One of the reasons that nurses are in shortage is
because people do not give due respect and consideration to nurses. It is the nurses that have to
work day and night to ensure the safe recovery of patients. Sometimes nurses have to
compromise on their personal life just to make sure that the health of patients remains good. It is
correct that nurses are not treated in the way they should be treated. The expectations are clear;
nurses should be treated in better way in society.
I believe that the managers and leaders should adopt more holistic approach to manage
the nurses. The nurses should not be treated as resources that can provide the services. In fact
nurses should be treated as an integral part of entire health care system. Instead of taking a top
down approach of management, the leaders should take a bottom’s up approach in which they
would start from the level of nurses (Waterman, 2011). This would help in analyzing the problem
of nurses.

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