Write a scholarly 3- to 4-page paper comparing two nursing informatics pioneers. Synthesize your thoughts using the bullets below as a guide: What are the professional accomplishments of each individual? How have their contributions influenced nursing practice? How have their contributions shaped the field of nursing informatics? What lessons can you take away from their experiences? What skills or ideas demonstrated by these leaders might you apply to your professional practice?

Research articles and research is extremely significant in the nursing field and practice as a whole. Nurses work directly with patients on a daily basis and because of this, they are the most aware of the needs of the patient. They are also the most informed about what procedures and policies favor the quality of patient care given and what needs to be adjusted to better cater to their needs. Rigorous research is extremely important for nursing students and nurses to keep up with at every stage of their career. This is because it advances nursing practice like aiding in the shaping of healthcare policy which leads to overall advancements in health all around the globe not just within the United States. For example, the National Institute of Nursing Research is dedicated to finding new knowledge on disease prevention, disability, illness symptom management, and improvement of end-of-life care (“Importance of research in Nursing: UNCW online,” 2016). In terms of the application of research in the modern world, the importance of research can be seen with the occurrence of the pandemic of COVID-19. The world experienced a complete lockdown and incredible spike of deaths in the past two years due to a virus that has no cure and still does not hold a cure rather than a vaccine that aims to slow and decrease the spread and prevalence of the disease. It is due to research that a vaccine could be created and that nurses and other medical professionals found out what treatment methods and care plans work best to treat this disease.

Pioneers of Nursing Informatics

Information technologies have shaped significantly the provision of nursing care in the modern world. Healthcare and nursing institutions are constantly exploring innovative technologies that can be used to advance the quality, safety and efficiency of care that patients receive. Since its inception in the 1960s, the field of informatics has grown to become a critical driving force in promoting organizational success (Ball et al., 2011). The development of nursing informatics is attributed to its pioneers that ensured the sustainability in the interventions adopted by health organizations. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to examine the contributions of Roy Simpson and Patricia Aboott to nursing informatics.

Professional Accomplishments

The selected pioneers of nursing informatics are Roy Simpson and Patricia Abbott. Roy Simpson is a professional with more than 30 years of experience in the field of nursing informatics as well as senior executive administration. Simpson is recognized for his pivotal role in the development alongside funding of the Werley ad Lang Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS). The NMDS provides definitions as well as categories of nursing problems, interventions, diagnoses and patient outcomes, which the American Nurses Association has approved. He has served in other professional capacities such as being the member of board of trustees for Excelsior College, visiting scholar at the University of Oklahoma, and distinguished lecturer at Georgia State University (nursing.emory.edu, n.d.). On the other hand, Patria Abbott is a director of the Pan American Health Organization. She works as a profession in the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. She has experience as a specialist involved in the management of healthcare information at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Baltimore (Center for Integrative Research in Critical Care, 2019).

Influence on Nursing Practice

One of Simpson’s contributions that have influenced nursing is the development of the NMDS. NMDS has influenced nursing by ensuring the use of information technologies in the definition and categorization of nursing problems, diagnoses, interventions, and patient outcomes. The influence can be seen from the adoption of the NMDS by the American Nurses Association for use in nursing practice. His other contribution is through training of nurses on nursing informatics. Simpson is a professor of informatics who has extensive knowledge, skills and experience in nursing informatics. He uses the knowledge to impart competence on nursing students. He also contributes to nursing through research to generate evidence-based data on issues related to nursing informatics (nef.orgg, n.d.). Patricia Abbott’s contributions that have influenced nursing practice include her roles in policy, advocacy, and education. She was critical in advancing the knowledge of nursing students on issues related to informatics in University of Maryland. She has also influenced nursing practice through research that has led to evidence-based practice in nursing and informatics (Center for Integrative Research In Critical Care, 2019).


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