Write a 750-1,000-word paper that analyzes your research and focuses on the population you have chosen. Describe the population\’s demographics and health concerns, and explain how nursing science, health determinants, and epidemiologic, genomic, and genetic data may impact population health management for the selected population. Population Health Research and PICOT Statement.Provide an overview of a potential solution for solving the health issue related to your population and the intended PICOT statement. Describe how the solution incorporates health policies and goals that support health care equity for the population of focus

Population Description, Including Demographics and Health Concerns

According to research, it shows that patient admitted in health unit facilities are vulnerable of contracting Hospital Acquired Infections (HIAs) that tend to extend their stay in the facility since their body immune system is compromised. More so, most of the patients are ignorant of understanding the consequences of exposing themselves to other patient while interacting with others. While in the facility, most of the patient only think pf how they will reunite with their loved ones back at home as well as resuming to their normal day to day activities after completing their treatment.Population Health Research and PICOT Statement.

In the health field, medical personnel are probable carriers of pathogens due to their mode of working. This makes it easy for medics to transfer pathogens from one patient to another within the hospital (Adegboye et al. 2018). Such pathogens infecting patients include clostridium difficile, MRSA, and multi-drug resistant gram-negative bacteria. Still, there are other ways of in which patient spread pathogens such as epithelial cells that are attached to the skin thereby contaminating clients surrounding. For examples, patients who move from one place to another such as critical care unit, intensive care unit, the emergency department, and surgical unit have high chances of spreading pathogens within these areas.Population Health Research and PICOT Statement.

HAIs refers to newly developed condition that alters patient’s immunity system within a period of 48 hours after being admitted. HAIs is an essential issue that creates alarm to public health since it is linked to creation of increased hospital bills, mortality, increasing hospitalization bills, morbidity, and ruining patient’s safety. Notably, spread of HAIs within health facility is catalyzed by medics due to poor hand hygiene. Consequently, HAIs has turned to be a main subject thus attracting key stakeholders in the health sector such as health providers and policymakers in coming up with interventions that will prevent such issues in hospitals since it is preventable.Population Health Research and PICOT Statement.

Synthesis of Nursing Science, Determinants of Health, and Epidemiologic, Genomic, and Genetic Data

According to CDC figures, it is revealed more than 1.5 million patients get admitted in hospitals of being infected with HAIs. More so, it is approximated about 10,000 patients succumbed from nosocomial infections. However, this attracts attention for the need to provide patients with measures necessary to ensure their health safety. For example, in the United States, in a group of 136 patients 1 get critically ill due to HAIs. Ideally, this sums up to 1.7 million case per year, thereby costing the government to spend $4-5 billion with 90 000 deaths taking place (Haverstick et al., 2017).Population Health Research and PICOT Statement.

In this case, health determinant has a major role to play while campaigning for good healthcare for the individuals being admitted in health facilities. Such health determinants include lifestyle, genetics, nutrition, and environment can easily determine the root cause of HAIs as well as management plans. For example, looking at the issue patient genetic composition can be evaluated and analyzed in determining the reason as to why pathogen mutate to assist developing a more resistant strain with the drug. Besides, epidemiological information will be employed while studying infections that are created from medical equipment such as ventilators and catheters. Mostly, most HAIs are linked to come from ventilator-associated pneumonia, bloodstream infections, and urinary tract infections. HAIs epidemiology data is essential while making evaluation, strengthening, monitoring, collaboration, and prevention intervention implementation.Population Health Research and PICOT Statement.

Potential Solution

According to the current trend of HAIs, there is the importance of healthcare providers to be keen in having an in depth understanding of HAIs and transmission methods from one client to the other. However, according to research health care providers are regarded as the primary host and spread easily making it necessary to find prevention measures. More so, various healthcare facilities should uphold handwashing as a primary way of preventing spread of pathogens from one person to the other. According to WHO requirement, hand washing is an efficient and effective intervention of preventing contamination by using clean water and soap.Population Health Research and PICOT Statement.


Amongst Inpatient geriatric population with 65 and above (P) doe

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