Write a 3- to 5-page paper (page count does not include title and reference page)leadership and management within an organization that addresses the following: Describe a department or unit within a health care organization using systems theory terminology. Include a description of inputs, throughput, output, cycles of events, and negative feedback. Describe the problem you identified within the department or unit using an open- systems approach, and state where the problem exists using the systems theory model (input, throughput, output, cycles of events, or negative feedback).

Leadership and management

Part 1. Describing the department

I am engaged as a registered nurse in the emergency department of Uvalde Memorial Hospital. The facility’s intention is to offer compassionate and high-quality medical care that presents the healthiest community through engaging the best staff and best care (Uvalde Memorial Hospital, 2018)leadership and management within an organization. The facility’s emergency department is concerned with meeting the basic care needs to stabilize the patients’ in critical condition. Towards this end, the department has engaged a multidisciplinary team comprised of nurses, physicians, and other medical professions. The team members complement each other through applying their unique professional competencies to offer the best possible care to patients. As such, the emergency department applied medical equipment and personnel as resources to ensure that the desired outcome is achieved in terms of patient care outcomes. The emergency and critical care services offered in the department act as the throughput. The patients who are admitted into the emergency department can be considered as the output. The revenue that the department earns from providing care can be considered as the cycle of events. The feedback would be the performance indicates that show how the stakeholders’ rate the services offered in the department (Meyer & O’Brien-Pallas, 2010)leadership and management within an organization.

Part 2. Describing the problem

The emergency department at Uvalde Memorial Hospital is intended to provide critical care while stabilizing patients in preparation for transfer to other inpatient departments. A review of the feedback offered for the department shows that it performs poorly with regards to pain management. Some of the patients who are discharged from the department indicate that the pain management measures applied in the department were infective and they had to bear with the pain during their stay in the department. The implication is that there is a disconnect between what the patients expect and what they receive from the department (Meyer & O’Brien-Pallas, 2010)leadership and management within an organization. The problem reported for pain management is not unique to Uvalde Memorial Hospital with Marquis and Huston (2017) indicating that as much as 80% of the information required for accurate pain assessment is typically lost. To address this concern, there is a need to improve interactions with patients so that pain assessment is conducted subjectively and on a patient-by-patient basis.


Part 3. Explaining

Desired outcome

The desired outcome is to improve pain management strategies so that patients do not complain about having unaddressed pain. Given that as much as 80% of the information required for pain assessment is typically lost thus resulting in a misevaluation of the pain levels, then it stands to reason that applying comprehensive pain assessment strategies to collect at least 80% of the required information would result in a more accurate evaluation of the pain levels. Accurate assessment would support management strategies by matching the intervention to the evaluation results. As such, the desired outcome is to realize better pain management results in the department leadership and management within an organization.

Goal and objective that will facilitate the desired outcome

The goal is to meet the patients need and ensure that they provide positive feedback for the department. Eliminating the negative feedback concerning pain management would realize this objective since the patients would be more satisfied with the services offered in the department, thus causing them to provide a positive feedback.

Translating the goal and objective into policies and procedures for the department

Translating the desired goal into policies and procedures for the department would entail applying comprehensive pain assessment strategies that collect at least 80% of the required information. The collected information would the facilitate evaluation and match the pain control strategies to accurate pain levels (Pope & Deer, 2017).

Describing the relevant professional standards

To ensure that the department is able to collect at least 80% of the required information for pain assessment, they will be subjected to specialized trained to improve their knowledge and competence. The training would allow the department personnel to develop accurate pain management baselines that match the desired outcomes to actual performance (Cherry & Jacob, 2013) leadership and management within an organization.

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