Write a 2-4 page paper discussing the relationship between art and society/culture. How does art influence culture, and vice versa? What is the importance of art in our society, now and in the time periods we’ve examined the last three weeks? Include examples of artworks that have had a notable cultural impact and of artworks that show significant evidence of culture’s impact on art.

Art and Culture
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There exists an inseparable relationship between art and culture in terms of changing opinions and embedding values across time and space. Forms of art such as music, painting, sculpture and literature are uniquely associated with specific societies and cultures and are closely considered according to the repository memories of the said societies (Enwezor, Condee & Smith, 2020). The relationship between art and culture is underpinned on the preservation of fact-based historical records that are dictated by time and places of origin. Through images, stories and sounds, art enables people from different cultural backgrounds and times to communicate and understand the contexts of the messages passed (Enwezor, Condee & Smith, 2020). Art is regarded as an element that greatly influences social change in the context that when there are changes in the manner in which messages are passed from one generation to the other, there is a guarantee that there will be cultural and general societal change in such environments.
Over time, art and culture are critical elements which contribute to the attainment of a sense of belonging among people in the society. Art possesses the ability to be a vehicle of change owing to the influences that it can have on developing and existing societies in terms of the messages that is passed from one generation to the other (Sandahl, 2018). The relationship between art and culture can also be discussed from the purview of its link to the spiritual belief systems. There are different understandings of the relationship between humans, nature and deities that help explain why culture can be inseparable from art as well as the new experiences that can be developed when the three issues are put to context.
Art plays very many important roles in the society. As a tool for self-expression, art is important when it comes to better studying and stress reduction (Zhou, Wang & Lin, 2021). In the event that one intends to communicate with other people in the society, they can use art as a tool of self-expression to pass their messages either through a drawing or any form of literary arts (Sandahl, 2018). Art provides members of the society with an opportunity to exercise their creativity and reach out to ideas that are outside their scope. Art can be used a medium that can promote social change owing to the fact that artistes as well as many forms of art enjoy a huge following thus making it easy for them to becomes a vessel to passage a critical message to the public (Fine, 2018). For instance, graffiti images of black people on one knee has been extensively used in the near past to pass a massage about the rights of black people in the US (Fine, 2018). The message has had far-reaching ramifications on the social structure of Americans after the fateful murder of a black American under the hands of the police.
Chinese arts are the most preserved form of culture that dictates the ways of life of the people in the country and has been passed down from the previous generations to the current one. The Chinese religious sculptures and general art has been used in the country to influence their culture and pass down their religious messages from one generation to the other. Other societies that are renowned for their artistic cultures include the Hindu and the Africans. The two societies are influenced by art and culture and uses the two to influence social changes while preserving beliefs and norms that they hold dear to them.

Art and Culture

Enwezor, O., Condee, N., & Smith, T. (Eds.). (2020). Antinomies of art and culture: Modernity, postmodernity, contemporaneity. Duke University Press.
Fine, G. A. (2018). Talking art: The culture of practice and the practice of culture in MFA education. University of Chicago Press.
Sandahl, C. (2018). Disability art and culture: A model for imaginative ways to integrate the community. Alter, 12(2), 79-93.
Zhou, K., Wang, K., & Lin, X. (2021). Research on the inheritance and protection of folk art and culture from the perspective of network cultural governance. Plos one, 16(2), e0246404.

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