Workplace Stereotypes About People With HIV: Business Ethics Case Study




After analyzing the every angel of the case, it can be said that this is the picture of the stereotyping prejudice of people with AIDS. Every issue that has been raised in this case has a strong background and relevant reason. The disagreement between Ron Debitson and the others does not only represent the confliction among them, but also among their holding beliefs. The conflict is more to be said between the religious belief, favoritism, organizational culture and the justice, business ethics, equal opportunity. There is no doubt that the whole situation has a larger impact on the organization. The perspective of this case and so other relevant issues are more than controversial, but not impossible to establish some strong recommendation. Furthermore, it would be interesting to see how various moral obligations play major role at individual or corporate level. However, this paper is to find out some important answers such as:

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  1. The ethical issues and what are their perspectives related with this case.
  2. Who are involved in this case and what is the background of their opinion.
  3. Whether the decision made by the others not to hire Paul is ethical or not.
  4. Some recommendations or suggestion for Ron that he can try to overcome the sophisticated situation.

Ethical issues in this case

At first it would be better to know what is ethic. Ethic is principles and values that guides the activities and decision within a company. These principles and values can be written or unwritten.

The following ethical issues need to be highlighted:

Religious belief

The religious belief can be pointed as on of the ethical issue in this case. It is needed to say that homosexuality is a great sin in every religion. No religion allows such type of activities. Whatever, Patrick Rush had strong religious beliefs and consequently, he never could allow Paul to be the employee of his company. Though there is no base of his thought about Paul, but it is nothing but his religious belief. Patrick has also mentioned that it is his personal belief about Paul. But personal belief or religious issue has no interrelation with employing somebody.

Employ policy

Employ policy from the local temporary agency was totally unethical. The agreement with the local agency is to be said as the result of wrong carry out for greenway environmental technology. The temporary employee here is unable to get the placement fee, which they should have got. Moreover, on the one hand, the company has the customer like federal government and on the other hand they are implementing unethical hiring policy. This kind of self-contradictory activities is not expected from such type of organization. It may be the cause for reducing the reputation as well as hampering the guiding principles.

Wrong implementation of policy

The largest customer of the company is according to the case is federal government. But the company has not followed the rules of equal employment opportunity commission guide. As an organization, the government rules and regulations should be maintained. Every organization run through maintaining some policy and here the company is failed to do so. Therefore, from this perspective the company is unsuccessful to maintain the relationship as well as their policy.

Incorrect guess

Another ethical issue is to guess incorrectly about Paul. There is no evidence that whether Paul is homosexual or not. In addition, though Paul was considered effeminate by some staff, but it does not indicate the homosexuality. It would not be wrong to say that Paul is the victim of their prejudice consideration. If such type of guess is occurred then there is no certainty that other employees will not be the victim on the basis of only guess. It certainly will affect internal environment and so the success of the organization as well.

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Misunderstanding about homosexuality

Patrick has the wrong idea that who are homosexual, most of them are HIV positives. This type of thinking is similar to the early thinking when people had the misconception that AIDS is just a gay disease. It is true that homosexual is one of the strong reasons to spread out the HIV disease, but certainly it can not be the reason for not to employ Paul. The judgment should have been according to the working efficiency of Paul. Additionally, now-a-days homosexuality has been allowed in mo

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