Workplace Bullying and Its Implications on Organizations



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Discrimination is one of the major challenges that organizational leaders face within the workplace. Workplace bullying refers to any acts intended to intimidate a colleague perceived by the oppressor as weak. In most cases, bullying within the workplace applies in a pattern that is directed at specific individuals. Any form of discrimination within the workplace is harmful, spiteful, and offensive to the victims. If not detected early and addressed properly, workplace bullying has the potential to derail the ability of an organization to achieve prolonged success.


It is important for employers to ensure that they provide employees with a safe and inclusive workplace environment giving everyone an equal opportunity to achieve both individual and organizational goals. Psychologists argue that bullying is often verbal or psychological in nature, thus victims tend to suffer for long due to the lack of tangible evidence (Carbo, 2017). There is an urgent need to stop workplace bullying because it affects the ability of victims to give maximum input in their work, thus lowering productivity. In addition, organizations tend to lose their competitive edge because of mistrust among employees and high turnover rates.

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