Will the Development of Artificial Intelligence Endanger Global Human Rights? Essay

Artificial intelligence is applied on an everyday basis and infiltrating into the majority of the spheres of life. Such obvious activities as purchasing products in a supermarket, visiting a museum, or driving to particular locations predominantly imply resourcing to modern technologies. Artificial intelligence, including such directions as computer-assisted instruction and deep learning, appears to be neutral only at first sight. Whether observed more detailed and carefully, it may significantly influence the interests of humanity considerably in particular cases (Laukyte et al., 2019). In the majority of spheres of life, mathematical calculations are extremely beneficial. However, on the condition that artificial intelligence plays a too considerable role in a life of a person, which involves revealing repetitive behavioral algorithms, this occasion may redound upon the users. Therefore, it may lead to the limitation of human rights (Cataleta, 2020). This way, the purpose of this paper is to outline whether further development and spreading of artificial intelligence are threatening human rights.

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The statements that modern technologies tend to improve and relieve some tasks in the routine are common. In fact, this aspect appears to be true-to-life, and our artificial intelligence is an integral part of the lifestyle. Moreover, almost every person is convinced that he or she is safe while surfing the Internet, but the reality is the opposite. The contradiction between the advantages of AI and the limitation of human rights manifests in the field of personal privacy to a larger extent. This right is the basic need of each person, which is essential for safe and decent living standards. However, in the digital space, as well as when an individual uses applications and social networks, a considerable amount of personal data is collected (Livingston & Risse, 2019). It can be applied for creating an account without the knowledge of the user and predicting people’s behavior.

Some algorithms may suppress the freedom of expressing opinions and gathering in a group. It is apparent Facebook and YouTube use the mechanisms of filtering for extremist content with rabble-rousing (Laukyte et al., 2019). The incentive to limit the spreading of such materials and the opacity of content moderation causes concerns. Another issue, which leads to apprehensions, regards the automatic filtration of the user-generated content at the moment of its downloading due to possible intellectual property rights violations (Laukyte et al., 2019). In some cases, automatic technologies address the rights the freedom of expression of opinion and privacy protection. Bots, targeted advertisements, and spam are promoted in terms of applying algorithms to determine the content of the particular user (Livingston & Risse, 2019; Liu & Zaweiska, 2017). The conflict between modern technologies and human rights reveals in the field of face identification. Being an extremely effective method for searching for a preliminary trial of possible terrorists, it may become the means of controlling people (Liu & Zaweiska, 2017). These days, the state is free to monitor the citizenry, invade private life, and limit the freedom to gather, and transport.

In summary, the fact that artificial intelligence may endanger some human fights is becoming more evident. There is a high likelihood that the data of internet users may be interfered with, collected, filtered, and applied for completing particular requirements and tasks. This way, artificial intelligence violates such an important human right, such as the right to privacy. In addition, the state government is free to use these possibilities for their intentions, which is totally dishonest and immoral. More and more specialists are starting to express the opinion that there is a wise plan of creating a comprehensive system for collecting information about each human being. For this reason, the further development of modern technologies causes some caution among the population and encounters some reluctance.


Cataleta, M. (2020). Humane Artificial Intelligence: The Fragility of Human Rights Facing AI. East-West Center.

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